pEople whom im inTerested wiTh?....hmMm....wElL f0r fRiends im not tHat cHoosY typE......coZ the moRe u choose the mOre u w0nt be aBle to find truE fRIends..(am i ayt?...bUt thEre's an ExcepTion ok...?!)weLl somehow iT does mAtteR wHen iN the fUture i would go in a a Ch0osy tYpe of pErson when it comeS to thOse kiNd of tHingsmAybe tHat's the reAson wHy unTil n0w im sTilL seaRching f0r the rIght onE(whEw!..)....hehe...bUt n0thing is iMpossIble ayt......bUt ayt n0w im InLuv!!!..yeP..iTs tRue!..hoPe he fEels the saMe for mE too......:)
pipz hu have respect.....not for only for themselves but also to others..(of course..!..)um...fwendly and is not boring...(i hate people hu are like ____)um..those hu likes to be my fwend...haha..:and wants to know me better... the slow ones....and songs that would inspire me to do things the right way....owwss.?.?.really...i like usher's songsBURnso yEsterDayalL of itbLack eYed pEas alSo...uN n!
sPidermAn ruLz!....tobY's soooooooooooo cuTe!!!!...:P haha..not the xxxxx thingy's kei...?!
cartoons!(i love 'em....)..discovery...'bout nature of course....about should know...
my Encyclopedias.......(they give lot'sf in4mation...belive me..)...hehe...songbooks.....magazines...
mYselF!...haha kiDdiNg!!!.....