Middlegender profile picture



About Me

Transpédégouine indie-rock pop electro queer parties in Lyon !!!!


CHEESE CAKE !!!! le queer tea dance de MIDDLEGENDER @ the CAVERN ( 11, rue des Trois Maries - Lyon 5) !
de 17 h à 00 h

My Interests


Member Since: 2/27/2007
Band Website: middlegender.canalblog.com
Band Members: Middlegender est une association. Y participent en tant qu'administratrices, Dj's, chargée de relation publique, graphic designer, conseillère mode:
BAAL, Bartabacash, Dj Madame, Lacanotanymore, Lady Oscar, Miss Francis, Playmobitch, Tanzerïn, Tuxedo.
...Sans oublier tout les membres!
Influences: Electrelane, Lesbians on Ecstasy, Stéréo total, The Organ, Copi, Yeah Yeah Yeahs!, B 52's, Katerine, Sexy sushi, Gravy train !!!!, The faint, The presets, The clash, Andy Warhol, Les Rita Mitsouko, Les Soeurs de la Perpétuelle Indulgence, Ladytron, Elie Medeiros, The long blondes, William Burroughs, Elastica, The rapture, John Waters, Radiohead, CSS, Vive la fête !, Depeche Mode, Scream Club, Kap Bambino, Miss Kittin, Blondie, Prince,The Gossip, The Cure, Virginie Despentes, New Young Pony Club, The Smiths, Sonic Youth, Robots in disguise, Scissor sisters, LTNO, Gina X, Nan Goldin, Laurent Perrier, Alain Pacadis, Freaks, Metric, Prototypes, Sunshine underground, Madonna, Eels, Soulwax, The Chalets, Peaches, Le Tigre, Näd Mika, The Pipettes, Erase errata, You say party we say die!, Goldfrapp, Tiga, Motormark, Adult., Vivienne Westwood, Fischerspooner, Homopunk, Whitey, Lio, The go! team, 2raumwohnung, Asyl, Angie Reed, Noblesse Oblige, White rose movement...
Sounds Like: Quelque part entre le Studio 54 et l'élection de Miss camping à La Tranche s/ Mer
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Scream Club Photos

Posted by Middlegender on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 12:23:00 PST

Video du concert de Cartel Couture

Remember! C'était le concert de Cartel Couture, pendant la soirée Punk & Pouffe, le 14 Avril dernier. Punk and Pouff Cartel Coutureenvoyé par middlegender...
Posted by Middlegender on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 06:35:00 PST