I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately.
I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life!
To put to rout all that was not life...
And not, when I came to die, discover
that I had not lived...-- Henry David Thoreau
make me smile
Puffin ! i love you more than life its self. Simple as that.
i would be lost without her. seriously. she means the world to me.
Sugaapieee One of my bestest friends. she helps me through everything, and i know she wont judge me. I love her like a cactus love a balloon forevaaa
this is my dorkbuddy, no matter what stupid thing i do, i know he'll do it too :D
my best guy friend. hes always been there for me, and im alwyas there for him. we're gunna be friends forever.
micHELLe she always listens to my problems, and likes my stories :D i love herrrrrrrrr
My little Sis i loveee my little sister, she always listens to me and never judges me.
Sheilaaa This is sheila. Shess wayyy to cute and it was fun talkin to her in Dance and drivin her brother crazy. :D
Make it happen.
BOLD equals favorites.
the cure
Devil doll
Porcelain and the Tramps
New Years Day
Animal Alpha
The Sounds
Lauryn Hill
Dir en Grey
The Donnas
A Fine Frenzy
System of a Down
Devil Driver
I love old Judy Garland movies..