I read like nobody's business! I love books, I eat them like candy. Books, music, I love taking pictures (even if they are not all that great) and drawing (my drawings are even worse than my photography lol)
Interesting people. That's all.
I just love music. It's a passion and a way of life. An obsession. Music is emotion given form and power.
Be a rebel, go read a book. In fact... If you are still a book virgin and you watch too much tv, I suggest going out and reading Fareinheit 451... You know that if they were going to mass brainwash the world, they'd start with television... Oh shit, they already have! It's called MTV ^_^
Mmm books... tasty... I am very discriminative when I read though. No shitty romance novels and you sure as hell won't find me reading a mystery. I like fantasy and any other kind of fiction that makes you think. Biographies are interesting in small doses.