Windy City a tribute band to "Chicago" profile picture

Windy City a tribute band to "Chicago"


About Me

"Windy City"- The purpose of this band, since it's "Beginnings" was and still is, to pay tribute to Argueably THE GREATEST ROCK BAND of all time, that being "Chicago".
The idea was conceived around September of 2002 and was put into motion on February of 2003.
Slowly, the pieces came together and the band became a reality on November of 2004.
We have been together, with some changes in personnel, since then, which doesn't seem like a long time.
.Playing the music of "Chicago" has and continues to be a "Hard Habit to Break".
.We love doing it and are "Feeling Stronger Everyday" we play it.
We are eight members strong with a combined musical experience of almost 300 years, dang we're old, but still rockin and rollin.
As long as there are fans of "Chicago" and God continues to bless us with the ability to play, we will continue to do so.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/26/2007
Band Members:

ART CUELLAR-Trumpet: one of the nicest people you ever want to meet.

A true "Chicago" Fan.

From the moment we talked on the phone after Eddie gave me his number to try and and convince him to play with us, the positive vibes began to overflow, especially when I found out that he was a HUGE "Chicago" fan.

Well there was no selling job on mine or his part needed.

Both He and I were ready to get this project going.

A good trumpet player and a hard working Band Director at Austin High School.

EDDIE TERRAZAS-Woodwinds: You have to get to know Eddie in order to truly appreciate him and his abilities.

One of the best Woodwind players in and out of State and a very funnuy guy.

He takes his job, Band Director at Riverside Middle School, very seriously as well as playing "Chicago".

A Great guy to be around and a Great Musician as well.

He is, and continues to be an asset to the band.

ERNIE RIVERA-Trumpet, and Lead Terry Kath Vocals: Ernie is another guy that plays his heart out whenever he performs.

If you listen to one of our Demo songs that Ernie sings, you'd think you were listening to Terry Kath.

A BIG, and I mean BIG "Chicago" fan.

Ernie and I go back at least 30 years and still arguing with the goal of getting this thing Right.

He's also one heck of a Trumpet player.

BILLY RIVERA-Lead Guitar and some Lead vocals: Of all the guitar players that I have played with, and I've played with a few, Billy ranks in the top two(2).

A hard working, wanna get right, guitar player.

He hears stuff on the recording that no one else does.

Just listen to him on his solos and you'll know what I mean.

Billy takes pride in his abilities and is his own worst critic.

He can play with the best of them.

JOHN DIXON-Bass and some Lead Tenor Vocals: John is the shy one of the band, not wanting the spotlight, as long as he gets his parts down right.

Is willing to do what it takes as long as it helps make the band better.

A very Hard working individual.

John is our Most Improved Band member.

BOBBY MADRID-Trombone: This guy can Blow with the best of them.

He makes it look so easy, but he won't tell you. Bobby will Blow you away.

TONY FAVELA-Lead Tenor Vocals and Keyboards: Tony, what a Great find.

For three years there were two(2) things that were holding the band up from going on Major tours, a good tenor voice and rock-n-roll keyboards, and we got them both when Tony was joined and was added to the band.

A guy with a Good Heart and a sincere desire to play the music of "Chicago".

JUNIE CHAVEZ-Drums and background Vocals: Not a whole lot to say about this guy except that he is living a Dream come true now that we are playing "Chicago" and only "Chicago".

This is the guy that just loves hanging around the other musicians on "Windy City".

His wife feels like he loves "Chicago" more than he loves her. Loves "Chicago" and will continue to do so until he dies, which I hope won't be for a long while.
Influences: "Chicago"
Sounds Like:

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Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Back Stage with "Chicago"

Hey Friends, what a THRILL it was for "Windy City" to go backstage and meet the guys of "Chicago" before and during their concert here in El Paso on the 11th.  What was even better was that I, Ju...
Posted by Windy City a tribute band to "Chicago" on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 05:45:00 PST

Alfresco Fridays Concert

Hey all you "Chicago" fans and friends of "Windy City", just thought I'd let you know how the gig went this past Friday the 13th at the "Alfresco Fridays Concert series.  Well for a place that us...
Posted by Windy City a tribute band to "Chicago" on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 01:06:00 PST