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"National Champs"
“Bud Light Presents: Real Men of Genius:
Today we salute you, Mr. Constant Collar Popper Upper. You, bedecked in popped collar, teach us that we no longer have to live with a cold, back of the neck. Sure, your Pink alligator polo may look feminine to some, but not to the 17 other frat guys wearing the same thing at the bar. Where others may see thoughtless fashion conformity, you preach a higher gospel. You preach of a world where its okay for a man to go tanning. You ask “why can’t we wear make-up, and use shampoo with lavender essence?†So crack open an ice-cold Bud Light, Mr. Abercrombie (or is it Fitch?), because we all know, when we really need a piece of gum, you might have one…in your man purse.â€
My name is Ray I'm 23 years old and live in Ft. Myers.I was born here so I've spent all of my life here except for my college days in Ohio. I've been blessed with an outstanding family & some great friends. Who you choose to associate yourselves with is a direct reflection of you!