ROSE CITY profile picture


About Me

The Northern most Southern.

Absorbing the surroundings of Appalachia and applying it to sonics is the best suited equation for the Rose City sound. The people we drink with, the whiskey, the all-nighters, the creeks, the hollows, the embracing of the fact that we're all a bunch of backwoods motherfuckers with more lightning in our veins than most............that's why we do it and that's what it's all about. We're unearthing a tattered flag of West Virginia pride and raising it high. Call it southern metal, call it heavy rock n' roll, call it what you will...............we are the brothers of Rose City.
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My Interests


Member Since: 25/02/2007
Band Website: This is it!!!!
Band Members: Keetchie-Vox Slick Leg-Guitar Junie-Bass The Goat-Drums
Influences: Zeke, Scissorfight, Motorhead, Kiss, The Doors, Turbo Negro, Super Suckers, Speeddealer,the Black knots, Soul Coughing,The Cramps,The Cult,The Who, Black Sabbath, Queen, Pistolwhippers, Danzig, Misfits, The Sword,southern boogie riffs,sweet talk'n, Jagermeister, Scotch (single malt prefered), Jim Beam, Cheap Beer, Expensive Beer, Imported Beer, M359, Depression, Hate, Hell, crushing enemies, seeing them driven before us, and hearing the lamentation of their women!!!!!
Sounds Like: West Virginia destructo rock.
Record Label: Oil River Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Rose City has broken up.

After several attempts at us sitting down to discuss what we wanted from, and where we wanted to take the band in the future it was finally decided upon last Sunday evening that the best move in ...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 16:04:00 GMT

January 19th

We've got advance tickets for our upcoming show on January 19th at the Monkeybar ( in Huntington for only $5. This is our first time venturing even outside of the Charleston ...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 05:30:00 GMT