Daydreaming, eating, listening to music, watching movies, watching people being watched, drawing, painting, dressing up as a clown or a mime and walking downtown, making music, hanging out with other cool and interesting persona'si like this photo Sonia took, we look like some sort of just lying peacefully in the streets of L.A. ....then along came a Car!!!me drawing in front of city college for guest at an art showa blurry photo of me floating....whoa david blaine?me and my mime stuff that i do a friends photo of my arm with a cup...i like it,thanx Jaime another one by Jaime..its me drawing "like i always do"kim and i in our "Crazy Dead People Christmas" brother ziggy was a US army recruit who got sent out and never made it back...wowmy buddy Chris "amazin'" was well you halloween costume. creepy kim as a little green KITTY...rey in his costume...DARTH REYSIDIOUS!!! And KIm kim and my little bro ZIGGY...he's out of custume...he was DARTH VADER and one more of me...scary!!ItSME my hair this is my tattoo, the same day i was getting her done my dad...waiting for the trollymy dad with his big beard. me beautiful mother and Imy lil brother ziggymy grandma Chuey and i dancingKIM made me a thousand cranes...and there all in that one jar. kim wiping her lil nose my messy house...and the kitchen with my favorite viewkim drawing over at Santa Barbra's wharfside walk of Santa barbra streets of SB CAstle PArk of SBa wonderfuly colored McDonalds at SBJack Sparrow with kim at the hollywood star walkboth of the freddys at the star walkme and my pal gilmore girl, i dunno? she was at the Bang Gang concert at the getty that i went to...shes kinda slow..lolBardi Johannsson from an Icelandik band called BANG GANG the concert i went to see at the getty with kim, euge and his friend anna euge me and anname and a fiesta. those were some nasty rolled tacos...hard like rocksmy friends....Sonia,Crystal, and jose...and lil kimmy friend Chalan and i at the MOCA in downtown chalan, jenny, her friend, fran and i. there was more of us but you know...:)some picture from my our dinner party a fuuny picture of chris and i at some gallery we went to that was at some motel...funus hanging at Lestats drawing it by kim thats carlo drawing spidey man our buddy Sean "cheeks" chilling after drawing up a storm and our new found friend Ryan telling us his many stories...ha!sean, me and carlo at one of our many dinner partiesI GOT bored...and made my friend AMAZIN' on the Wrestaling game. "Smack Down" again bored...guess who these is? and lastly....MR INCREDIBLE man it was hard to make this guy.I love EARTHBOUND!!!! THE BEST rpg EVER!!!! Me,kim and van and kyle waiting to see MONO..a really cool JAPAnese BAnd still waiting.... kim and van our shoes at the CASBAH The guys of MONO...minus the chick at the moment MONO tearing it apart... this is the lady of mono...taken by yours truly. And finally kim and van once more...
Bill Watterson, the creator of Calvin and Hobbs.
all types
Fight Club, What Dreams May Come, Great Expectation (1998), Run Lola Run, Interview With the Vampire, The Matrix Trilogy, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Last Castle, Uzumaki, Casshern, Kung-Fu Hustle, One Hour Photo, Road to Perdition, all of George A. Romero's zombie movies, and Shawn of the Dead, FOOLY COOLY etc
Caroline in the City, Friends, house, wild boyz, pimp my ride, flcl, the simpsons, family guy, samurai jack, fosters's home for imaginery friends, stand up comedies, documentries, south park, turner classic's, sponge bob, fresh prince, the nanny, i love lucy, insomiaic with dave attel,teen titans, the daily show / john stuart, actors studio, queer eye for the straight guy, viva la bam, futurama, power puff girls, bugs bunny stuff and tom & jerry too. ..
anything "anne rice"...the funny stuff of "richard brautigan" (thanx kim)...wheres waldo?...and theres probably more but i cant remember them all...oh that roach book by i probabaly typed it wrong...:)
my Mom, my brother Ziggy, my Dad, my uncle Rey, my friend Jose Paez for taking care of me when i was drunk, my friend Chris Terry leteraly...because he's MyHero character "Amazin'", my old teacher MR Nelson, KANCHI from FLCL, Spider-Man,and BATMAN.