Music : Reading : Work : Spying : Houston Dynamo : Houston Rockets : Houston Texans : Houston Astros : Manchester United : Calgary Flames
Anyone who is crazy in the headfoot.:::::::::::::::::::::::
Music depicting the spectacle of armies changing history... The epic of a grand, romantic age giving way to a new and violent order... The drama of young lovers, far from the chaos, alone and silent ShamaLamaDingDong
The Meaning of life - Sin City - Bond - Edward Scissor hands - Hannibal series - My newest favorite and a movie everyone needs to rent and watch : Eagle vs Shark (check it out)
More specifically cable/satellite: Needs to carry more Futball (soccer) games, I am getting tired of going to 4 differrent sports bars, and calling another 3 only to be dissapointed cuz I can't watch the any of my teams kicking ass with Caboose.
Recent Favorites: The Autobiography of Malcolm X - Alex Haley :: Kingdom of Fear - Hunter S. Thompson :: The Revolt of the Masses - Jose Ortega y Gasset :: Come Hell on High Water - Gregory Jaynes ::Go To the Fucking Library People!!!!
Independent Record Labels everywhere, Publishers of street mags, Johannes Gutenburg, Painters, Sculptors, Musicians, and Actors. Anyone who has the will, fortitude and passion to express themselves freely. The people who challenge perception, reality, expression, freedom, the ruling hand... and just overall cool people............ Malcolm X, Fidel Castro, Ernesto Guevara, Ringo Starr, Henry David Thoreau, Thomas Paine...