shauna profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm at the end of my junior year at UT stuff. I'm a business finance major (how cool am i)......

My Interests

I luv: playing with my chihuahua (deana), goin to work at the villa, chillin w/my friends...., my sweet boyfriend Mike, shopping with Vanessa :) , goin out to bars, playing pool, watching reality television....i swear i'm addicted, watching movies, cleaning (strange, but i am OCD), tanning (because tan fat looks better then pale fat), writing my friends goofy test messages while im muy abburido en escuela (im pretty sure ive just typed "very bored in school"), smokin'...u know..., sleeping bcuz that's what i do best, primping myself (as in fills, pedis, hair apts, tanning, bathing) i rock.


Just saw Kill Bill- liked it, Joy Luck Club, Full Metal Jacket, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Scarface, Legally Blonde, The Shining, Meet the Parents, The Wedding Singer, Lost in Translation, Virgin Suicides, White Oleander, Go, etc.....