Jamie Harland (Chemo) - "I dont see my sister much so I only get the good parts"
Me to Chick - "Someday you going to piss someone off to the point they will stab you and you will survive. From that point on you will start calling yourself Jesus"
Doron de Jong - "Too many suckas and not enough time, Drinkin.. all the lemons, eating all the limes"
David Toland (from his MySpace) - "IAIN BROOKS IS A MOTHER FUCKING TWAT! You say nobody likes me. Well take a fucking look at yourself."
Brian Griffin - "How did you sleep Peter." Peter Griffin - "I had a dream where I was eating a sheep and now my pillows gone. Oh wait here it is, what was I eating" (Half eaten sheep crawling on the floor) Peter Griffin - "Oh sorry"
Simon Greaves (While Drunk) - "Where the fuck is my ten bag" (for about two hours)
Simon Greaves to Becky Inglis (Still Drunk) - "Becky come here, can I fuck you up the arse"
Daniel Leather to me - "Alex your nose is bleeding." Me (Drunk and Broken Nose) - "Shit, I didnt notice "
Me to Matthew Georges drunk brother - "Your brother smokes weed" Matthew Georges Brother - "Yeah his a fuckwad"
Lois.. Tumor - "Im a tumor, Im a tumor, Im a tumor, Im a tumor, Im a tumor, Im a tumor, Im a tumor, Im a tumor, Im a tumor, oh oh, Im a tumor.
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