Emily Dickinson once said "To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else". But she lived in her room for like 40 years writing poems about trees and opportunity. I would really like to not be her. So in my quest to not become Emily Dickinson (which I think is a pretty good goal for a sistah from VA) I'm gonna try this. So...maybe send me your favorite Emily Dickinson poem. Or Pablo Neruda poem. Or recitation-of-the-dollar-menu-at-Taco-Bell-poem. I'm not bougie. And if you write me I can offer a list of other things I'm also trying not to be...1. Emily Dickinson 2. A hemophiliac 3. a mime 4. Kirsten Dunst-I can't stand that bitch.
What is Your perfect Bikini ! pics!
HotDot Bikini
You are HOt Dot Bikini!! So cute!! Polka dots are still in style if they are different colors!