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no budget is infinite budget!

About Me

Monipodio! is a group of creative minds working on diffuse authoriality and collective and collaborative comic creation. It’s actually focusing on three main activities: pubblishing, web presence and live actions.
Our editorial activities include the production of collective comic books, released on a yearly base, and hand-made comic books with low run. visit our website at for more info.
Monipodio! aims at being a laboratory for young authors interested in overcoming the limitations of traditional models and getting in touch with other media. The kind of comic we would like to promote is a meta-authorial one, i.e. defined by the personality of the author, but also by the interaction with the group he works with. Hence any action that will hold the brand Monipodio! will always be the product of a collective effort.

Lucca Comics&Games 2007 è alle porte, si terrà infatti settimana prossima, dal 1 al 4 Novembre. Con quest'anno abbiamo finalmente l'occasione di organizzare, per la prima volta a livello nazionale, una Comic Battle a Lucca, che si terrà da venerdì a domenica nella Self Area (spazio autoproduzioni).

Cos'è la Comic Battle, come funziona e come si fa a partecipare? date un'occhiata al nuovo sito della Comic Battle su e tenete d'occhio il Monipodio! Blog per novità e aggiornamenti.

Stickers by Armin Barducci
Highwaynauts is done!
The highway, in the night, is like outer space, black and empty, and we, the travellers, are like spaceships floating in the cosmic void. Moving through an abstract space, travelling in our minds.
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This layout is based on a template by the one and only Mike Industries . Go check out his page now!

My Interests


Here's some recent stuff from Monipodio!:

Monipodio! issue nr.4! This time the topic was "travelling" and the approach, again, something different. This issue contains one single story, made by 25 different authors, that's based on a live action we made here in Bolzano this summer. 80 pg. 5,00 €

A special issue dedicated to mute comics, this one is actually the second part to the one we made for the Freeshout Festival in Prato. It was made for an exhibition we organized as part of the 4FilmFestival in Bolzano. 32pg. 2,00 €

Wondering whether to buy all Monipodio issues? why not a Monipodio! Pack? it contains all Monipodo! issues from #1 to #3, plus a surprise! It costs only 10 euros.

Also check out our musical sideproject:
Prosimian Dirty Dancing