Natalia profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

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I haven't updated the contents of my profile in years. It's migrated from Friendster to here basically intact. That could tell you one of two things about me: I either haven't changed much in 3 yrs., or I'm incredibly lazy. You be the judge!
I smile a lot. I'm a sagittarius. I have a great sense of humor (or so I think). I comb my eyebrows. I enjoy coffee. I give hugs. I condition, shampoo, and then condition again. I go out on verbal limbs. I'm often bewildered. I'm free of malice, most of the time. I have high standards. I don't love sweet things. I have a pretty good sense of who I am. I'm restless. I love animals passionately. I consider myself clever. Pretense and deception appalls me. I love to read. I'm a pack rat. I wear a lot of black. I make broad, sweeping gestures, and statements. I smoke. I like the end pieces of bread. I like taking chances. I like to lay out on the grass. I speak before thinking. I love giving presents. When I'm happy, I'm oblivious to the world. I wear lip gloss. I am confident. I trust my luck, too much. I get nervous and excited easily. I like to eat out. I still get crushes. I like to test my limits. I like to feel glamorous. I am stubborn. I am sweet. I am a cuddler. I am curious, to the point of being nosy sometimes. I cry sometimes. I have a temper. I hate being doubted. I love information. I go off on tangents. I put my foot in my mouth all the time. I can't tell a joke to save my life, because my timing is always off. I used to steal my silverware from restaurants. I am extremely well oriented. My favorite food is mashed potatoes. Garlic Mashed potatoes.
I rekon if i were a super hero my name would be "The Procrastinator" and I'd have the power to leap tall buildings, control time, teletransport, shoot fireballs out of my ass and other cool super hero stuff... but I’m pretty sure I’d never get around to doing any of it really...
You may want to point out problems with specific details of any situation, while I would rather discuss the overall, general outlook rather than the practical details. They will take care of themselves, you should simply have more faith in the process. Ok, fine. I may need your detailed analysis but I will not ever be willing to admit it.

My Interests

Lacan, getting things done, sorting things, archival storage, shiny things, making and breaking things, making lists, crossing things off of lists, This American Life, Best of Craigslist, luchadores,, knowing a lot about few things and a little about many things, attention to detail, traveling far away, artful movement, breathing, hamachi, cheese, people, cooking, thrifting, the possibility of the interconnectivity of things, tarot, chemicals, quality movies, trashy movies

I'd like to meet:

If you disagree with someone, you should always walk a mile in their shoes. Then, if you still disagree, they'll be barefoot and you'll have a one mile lead.
someone similar, but different.
someone who uses their superpowers for good, and awesome


Residents, Fabulosos, Tiger Lillies, Pixies, Kraftwerk, Richman, Yello, VU, Krueder & D, HBMS, Chicks on Speed, Mr. Scruff, Esquivel, Opera, Anything by a Cello, Hank Williams and Damien Jurado recently, I like to know that men also whine.


la jettee, big lebowski, rushmore, night and fog, bollywood movies (especially ones with Shah Rhuk Khan), third man, jodorowsky, sans soleil, wkw films, svankmejer, seventh seal, aguirre, wenders' stuff, bring it on, city of lost children, spykids, hey don't judge me.


strangers with candy, twin peaks, space ghost coast to coast. Recently, all I've been watching is CSI, probably just for the corpses. I also watch strongbad emails.


C Bukowski, R Dirge, D Sedaris, D Addams, E Gorey, Bros Hernandez, M Kundera, JL Borges, The Neon Bible, L Goodman's sun signs, T Robbins