JayLee profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Im 19 and in the army, bin in for over a year now. currently in arborfeild learnin my tade as an electronics techntion. cnt wait to get out there n get sum of the action. I love to watch n play any sport, apart from the shit ones like darts. my hometown is birkenhead, jus over the water from liverpool but i guess will change as i move with the army. big hello to matt myles, wat a guy, me best m8 n cnt ask ne more of him av sum amazin laffs. a now den to the lads at home aswell, sean liam paul n josh top lads, b home soon boys n we av that nite out. well ill shurrup now b4 i bore yas, wanna know nethin jus ask.

My Interests

I enjoy all sports watching and playin, espicialy the great NOTTINGHAM FOREST!!


2PAC changes, best song ever!!!! into almost nething, apart from mosher shit n classical


Cool runnings, gota b the best film eva! not a huge film fan tho


THE O.C what a programe


Stuart Pearce!