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About Me

HI I dont really know what to put. As I havent got a photo on here yet ill tell you what I look like. I am pale skined with long brown hair and hazel eyes. And im only 5ft 4in! I am a mum I have a little boy who is 6 1/2 called tieran and a baby due very soon. I live with my other half Peter who is a saint to put up with me. We have been together a long time but are still very much in love. I work as a telephonist at a corperate taxi company. I work nighs due to child care as Peter is a manager and has to work days. Used to be the other way around I used to be the higher earner and he would stay home and take care of Tieran while I went to work. He was a great dad. but he got a premotion so I now work part time in the evenings which means I have more time for family and taking care of the house etc.. so im really happy. I enjoy going out clubing obviously not at the mo as pregnant but when im not we go every so often. Of course like all females I love to shop. But I dont spend loads I like to hunt out the bargains. As you may of guessed by the lengh of this I waffle. Thing ive walled on long enough now.