viP of Phire Beatz profile picture

viP of Phire Beatz

Life iz good

About Me

I'm just the type of dude who wants to relax in a drama free setting, wherever that is. I usually get along with mature people. I believe its better to have a few quality friends then a large quantity of drama-ridden immature onez. Most people fall for the glitz, if you see thru all that you'd be cool with me. Its all for show. We're all the same, that's the bottom line. Money might buy security, but not happiness. Staying healthy starts with a healthy mindset. Living a happy life is just a game you play that starts in your mind. Be yourself, enjoy yourself, don't compromise that for anybody.

My Interests

Music Production, Basketball, Synchronicity & Balance, Working out, Piano, Traveling, being motivated but finding time to enjoy it all, too.

I'd like to meet:

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RESPECT TO REAL MUSIC CHECK my dude Chuk Fowler out, not only my piano instructor but a true musician, and composer. He can play his ass off.


Blood Diamond, 40 Year old Virgin, MADE, The Breakup, Wedding Crashers, I Robot


mad reruns: cosby show, fresh prince, jamie foxx show, if the mets are on I'm watching, same with the Giants and my knicks no matter how bad they are I'm always tuned in.


The Bible, The Celestine Prophecy, The Four Agreements, Laws of Thinking, voice of knowledge


my family. all of em. My good friends.