Ochhh! profile picture


I am me... but I do change from day to day relative to mood or company. So really, I am me but I am

About Me

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I am interested in anything that can hold my attention by being interesting. I like to hear about things I know nothing about. My 14 year old cat Denim is my best friend, if he could talk I would be in too much trouble. I am an athiest, I think the belief in God/s is bordering on delusional. I believe chemo cures cancer not praying and I believe people DIE without transfused blood - I believe you should build a hospital instead of a church and I think 2 hands working are better than a thousand clasped in prayer. Dont tell me God has a plan for everyone coz if thats right his plan SUCKS and he plans every murder, rape abortion etc... NONSENSE!! Peoples minds are probably the most interesting thing...I like to observe people (not in a creepy way). People sometimes get the wrong first impression of me coz I always stand back and observe before joining in. Pretentiousness, ignorance and materialism are my pet peeves. I hate to be lied to...makes me really angry.

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My Interests

Tell me something I dont know and I will be interested. I generally find people interesting but I have the attention span of a small child on acid so its hard to keep my attention. Im interested in peoples opinions and think people are entitled to their own but my brain works on logic not emotion and half the things people say to me make no logical sense so im bored by the end of their non-sensical sentence. I ask many questions because I like to understand everything - have a large thurst for knowledge. Like to see people dance though rarely participate.

I'd like to meet:

The surgeon that spent 5 hours sewing my hand, wrist and forearm back together. The nice person that lurks inside my sister somewhere. Bruce Lee. The person who writes the t-shirthell.com monthly newsletter. A Highland Cow. Natalie Maines.


I like from Neil Diamond - VNV Nation&Nine Inch Nails, Hip-Hop - Dixie Chicks, Paul Weller&Tracy Chapman - Marilyn Manson 300+ albums of all different genres.


LOTR Trilogy, Kill Bill 1&2, Bourne Trilogy,


Dexter, Sleeper Cell, The Unit, The UFC, Charmed, Lost, The L Word, Veronica Mars, Grey's Anatomy.Monkey Business. Medical Programmes & most things on The Crime Channel


The Celestine Prophecy, Tenth Insight, Thing of Beauty, A Child Called It,


Anyone who will pull the hair out of a plug hole. My dad.

My Blog

Bryn Christopher - The Quest

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaxUHbxQzTMDebut single from Bryn Christopher out 9th June. Was recently featured in the Grey's Anatomy series finale. Keep checking brynchristopher.com for more informa...
Posted by Ochhh! on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 05:54:00 PST

The Streets - Dry your eyes

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHOf3s70w-c ...
Posted by Ochhh! on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 05:30:00 PST


..> ..>...
Posted by Ochhh! on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 06:07:00 PST


..> .. ..>...
Posted by Ochhh! on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 06:00:00 PST