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..The human slave trade is huge industry in today’s modern world. Men, women and children are being bought and sold as slaves all over the world and they are being treated like dirt. 200 years ago, William Wilberforce realised the shocking truth - Britain’s slave trade was a growth industry, and the backbone of Britain’s economy at that time. He was a man whose convictions compelled him to act. That same spirit that whispered in his ear to end the slave trade whispers in our ears today.
STOP THE TRAFFIK, is a global coalition of organisations working together to fight against people trafficking; by raising awareness and funds on a subject that is little known or understood. STOP THE TRAFFIK will call for change and freedom. On March 25th 2007 it will be Freedom Day and there will a worldwide shout for change – we will raise our voices so that everyone may hear - we will shout with joy to celebrate the traffic that has already been stopped, and shout the call for the release of every trafficked. We will fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.On sunday april 1st members of Upper Norwood Salvation Army youth group (plus a few others) are going to ‘travel for tarffik’. This means that we are going to travel around London on the tube and try and visit every tube station in central London. There are just over 60 underground stations in the centre of London so this may take quite a while. At each station we will take a picture of the sign to prove we have been there and we will try and get our STOP THE TRAFFIK freedom keys or wristbands in the picture too.
William Wilberforce was one man who mobilised a swell of voices to speak out against injustice and make a difference that impacted the world. You can be a voice that influences others by joining us when we travel or by sponsering us to complete our journey.If you would prefer, you can donate online by clicking the link below.