I'm me. Got it? Okay, then. So, I'm Pisces, I like kitty cats and puppy dogs and so on and so forth, blah blah blah.
I'm a geek at work (whoa...I have a brain AND I make music...scary thought!!!), I ride a bike that doesn't go VROOM VROOM, because I'm just cool like that (but I can make the sound effects if it'll make your life peachy), and I'm a little sarcastic. Sometimes. Okay, I'm nearly always sarcastic in my head, but I really HAVE toned it down in person. A little.
I have a dog. He's the sweetest dog you'll ever meet. You'll love him, just like everyone else, because I said so (and you can't resist...and if you do resist, then I'm not sure I really want to know you). See? Not so sarcastic. Right. But, he really is a sweetheart, and you're more than welcome to take him for a walk if you don't believe me (really...he loves new people, as long as I say you're okay...you are okay, right?).