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About Me

..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5 I'm a very intense, sensitive, person sometimes its my down fall. I tend to run wild with my emotions and I basically live by them. I have a strong sense of compassion and always try to see things from other peoples point of view. I'm objective. I like to push the limits with just about every thing. I will go out of my way for just about any one. I care what people think and couldn't give a rats ass at the same time. I like to fight even though at times I think its the most immature thing in the world. Perhaps I need to take kickboxing or jujitsu. I have a competitive nature if I'm going to do anything I'm going to put my heart and soul into it and be better at it then the other person. I'm creative, colorful and fun to be around or at least that is the first thing my friend said when I asked him. I paint when I''m happy and read when i'm sad. I'm extremely open minded, worldly and can be conformable and fit in any type of situation. I'm a very good communicator and am just an expressive person all around, music, art, dancing, and writing, are all of great interest to me. I have seen and been a few places in my time including Singapore, Australia, Dubai, Canada (love them French Canadians) Malaysia, Hong Kong, the air port in Japan ha-ha does that count and a few other places. I lived on the east coast for a little more then five years up until a few years back, I miss it a great deal and often find living in California a bit alienating. aim=aw8oneOIL ON CANVAS 2005 .. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Art, art, art, going to art shows, graffiti. ghetto's, grime, pitt bulls, train yards, freight monikers, doing things that scare me, working out, meeting new people and learning from people that have a different approach to life and how they live it. Coffee, sushi, adrenaline, mint and chip ice cream, german automobiles, people that seem to have ocd or just a rediculous amount of drive. animals, bio organic tattoos, camping although I never go. me with marc ryden http://photos23 childhood play ground not sure ill ever finish this one Tried and True Tattoo-Mike Cole

I'd like to meet:

People who strive to be better, who look for things in life with a deaper meaning, people who dont drink, or do drugs. .. bull in the heather

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old punk tsol, the jam, the damned, di, uk subs, the buzzcocks, classic rock stevie nicks, heart, ccw, electronic music, down tempo, AIR, Dirty sanchez, Stereolab, cat power, dj shadow, square pusher, kraft werk, j magic, yeah yeah yeahs, bookem, lee buridge,depech mode, joy division, the faint, ladytron, dilated peoples, ohgr, blondie, chicks on speed, Lamb of god, bleeding through, throw down, glass jaw, bjork, david bowie, mf doom, sage francis, just about anything really.


Brave heart, girl on the bridge, mystic river, lock stock and two smoking barrels, , saltandsea, rad, goonies, suburbia my mom actually dated skinner thats just to fucking wierd, cky2k, 21 grams, the way of the gun, city of god (brazilion movie), THE LITTLE MERMAID


animal planet animal precint is the shit, the wings channel i know i know but i used to work on fighter jets, discovery, national geographic chanel. adult swim "aqua teen" all the movie channels, gory autopsy and murder mystery documentarys, the family guy, and the e true hollywood story,




Albert Einstein, Patt Tilman

My Blog

free tattoos

Free tattoos no it's not a gimmick, I am currently trying to build my portfolio with work that I am interested in doing. I tattoo now quite regularly doing things that aren't quite exactly what I want...
Posted by Rob on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 05:28:00 PST


My niche, not always easy to find at times I feel as if Im a complete outsider to every one, there way of thinking, what they seek for entertainment what they laugh about, any ways it all seems ...
Posted by Rob on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 12:30:00 PST

big decisions! moving! what to do!

Well for any one that cares and wants to know what i am up to. i will not be moving to va any time soon. I think i eventually will wind up there but not at this time. As far as having kids and a famil...
Posted by Rob on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Split decisions

: So i have been here a year and well lets just say its been less then the most enjoyable year of my life. Things are going great on the surface im making good money, i have nice car i am in school ge...
Posted by Rob on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

something that really really urks me

The lame ass people on here that post lyrics, poetry, and art that is not there own and do not say who did it. So then they get all kinds of coments saying shit like, "thats tight did you do that." Do...
Posted by Rob on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

punk rock or white trash

Shows ahh not really into them any more. The hard-core scene is all right but for the most part its just filled up with to many little kids that don't think its cool to say excuse me. Now im not tha...
Posted by Rob on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My life in the grind yay!

Ahhgggg so I just had some time off something rare for me and damn I felt like person. Had time to paint my one true love always will and has been, had time to be social and party. So well that's over...
Posted by Rob on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST