...@lex... profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"Who Ever Said That Pleasure Wasn't Functional?" - Charles Eames
"Love is Something You Fall Into" - Barbara Kruger
"Give Me the Luxuries of Life and I Will Willingly Do Without the Necessities." - Frank Lloyd Wright
Creative, photographic, passionate, open-minded, girly, quirky, shy, sensitive, affectionate, strong, experimental, deviant... Sweet like sugar... Bitter, but not jaded... Oh so positive and oh so giving... Nurturing...
Photography, Photography, Photography...SARCASTIC...
Obsessed with MUSIC...
Mid-century modern furniture and architecture ...
I have an emotional reaction to architecture that is about clean lines and cubic shapes; especially anything from the Bauhaus era.
I can hold my own in most conversations about cars (especially those involving 60's muscle cars, early model Porsches and anything by Volkswagen.)
I often make random art and take random photographs...
I can use any tool in your toolbox.
I see life as more than black and white... I like to think... and I like to talk about thinking...
I believe in honesty, openess and connection. Stars in the night sky and that cool breeze that blows at the ocean...
If you're going to hide things from me, don't waste your time. A real connection means you can tell me anything. And I mean anything.
"Children, I wanna warn ya,
'cos I've been to California
Where Mickey Mouse is such a demon,
Where Mickey Mouse is as big as a house!"
-Bow Wow Wow

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Photography, MUSIC, Art, Typography, Graphics... Blueprints.

Film, Cinema...

The Written Word, The Well Told Story (and men that write them,) Blank Notebooks, A Good Pen...

All things Mid-Century Modern - especially my Eichler home built in 1964 (which I share with two of the greatest housemates ever!)

Contemporary Art, dada, Fluxus, Surrealism, Japanese Pop Culture, Text, Graphic Design, Vivid Color, The Color Black...

Sewing, Knitting...

Contemporary and Mid-Century Architecture, the Bauhaus movement...

Swap Meets, Vintage Pyrex... Airstream and Teardrop Trailers...

Dive Bars, False Eyelashes, Ultra Black Mascara, Seductive Black Eyeliner...

Quirky Style, Kitsch-y Fashion.

Vintage Magazines, Vintage Muscle Cars...

Driving fast...

Thai Food, Sushi, Indian...

Guitars... and the boys that play them...

Touching Things, Feeling Things, Breaking Things, Fixing Things... Watching, Observing, Guessing...

Tokidoki, Dunny, Gloomy Bear, Friends With You...

"Space and light and order.
Those are the things that men need
Just as much as they need bread or a place to sleep."
—Le Corbusier

I'd like to meet:

"I'm an angel bored liked hell, And you're a devil meaning well."

Someone who is not afraid to give a good spanking!

Someone who knows what they want, knows how to ask for it.

Someone just as weird, just as smart and just as insatiable as I am.

Those who see the world through the lens of a camera.

Those who find beauty in cracked pavement, locked doors and clean lines.

Like-minded souls into music, creative endeavors, thoughtful conversation, peaceful disagreements and open minded experiments.

Those who appreciate mid-century modern furniture, architecture and design.

Those who are not afraid to live life and learn, be gratuitous at the right moment and go to art openings to look at the art - not to be “seen.”

Those who appreciate all that is liberal and unique, original...

Those who get my odd perspectives, quirky desires and sarcastic jokes...

Someone who needs a partner in crime, a collaborator... Because I sure do...

And maybe someone who'd like to teach me to swim... and then swim with me in the ocean...


I listen to everything. Music is truly the soundtrack to just about everything I do - like driving or kissing. I especially enjoy experimental stuff and the eighties (I am a victim of my age, sorry.) Oh, that, and I used to like the "goth-y" stuff too.

The Smiths, Kate Bush, Françoise Hardy, Ivy, The Cardigans… The Cure, Interpol, Bat for Lashes, Rilo Kiley, Amy Winehouse, Regina Spektor, Imogen Heap, Lily Allen, Lady Sovereign, Depeche Mode, Weezer, Pixies, Dandy Warhols, Aztec Camera, Morrissey, Curve, The Stone Roses, Verve, Jesus and Mary Chain, Suede, The Catherine Wheel, Pulp, Lush, Smithereens, Blondie, Berlin, Echo and the Bunnymen, The Psychedelic Furs, Human League, Velvet Underground, Sonic Youth, New Order, Duran Duran, The Cars, Roxy Music, Yaz, Thompson Twins, Missing Persons, David Bowie, Replacements, Veruca Salt, Let’s Active, Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins, Lone Justice, Love and Rockets, Material Issue, Superchunk, The Clash, Garbage, Concrete Blonde, Innocence Mission, PJ Harvey, Boards of Canada, Neulander, Lansing-Dreiden, Black Box Recorder, Goldfrapp, Ladytron, Dat Politics, Subtle, The Dresden Dolls, Joy Division, The Cult, The Damned, My Bloody Valentine, Cocteau Twins, Dead Can Dance, This Mortal Coil, Cranes, Blonde Redhead, bis, White Stripes, Dido, Massive Attack, Dot Allison, Gus Gus, Hooverphonic, The Bird and the Bee, Si*Sé, Portishead, Martina Topley-Bird, The Dears, Gram Rabbit, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Von Bondies, Louis the XIV, Nancy Sinatra, Dean Martin, Beatles, Clapton, Stones, Eagles, 70's Southern Rock...


BELLE DE JOUR, Xanadu, Streets of Fire, Breathless, A Woman is a Woman, Jules and Jim, Weekend, Repulsion, Un Chien Andalou, The Conformist, Contempt, Alphaville, Beauty and the Beast (Cocteau), A Face in the Crowd, The Apartment, From Here to Eternity, Lost Highway, Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, Boxing Helena, The Handmaid's Tale, The Reflecting Skin, Last Tango in Paris, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sabrina, The Sound of Music, West Side Story, Casablanca, Trainspotting, Betty Blue, Shop Girl, Last Night, Trust, Henry Fool, Frida, Wings of Desire, Brazil, Swingers, Lost In Translation, Last Life in the Universe, Metropolis, Virgin Suicides, Amelie, Rushmore, Run Lola Run, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Amores Perros, La Notte, Goodfellas, Buffalo 66, 24 Hour Party People, Earth Girls are Easy, Valley Girl, The Graduate, Little Darlings, On the Beach, To Kill a Mockingbird, Vertigo, Rear Window, North by Northwest, The Birds.
Goddard's "Breathless"
Buñuel's "Belle de Jour"
Bertolucci's "The Conformist"


Almost never... unless I'm watching a movie on one...

And well... even though I try to pretend that I don't really watch TV... I love Mad Men, Californication (c'mon David D. makes the hottest, scruffy dad ever), Big Love, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Daily Show and 30 Rock (Tina Fey is hot too!)


Brave New World, On the Road, The Picture of Dorain Grey, The Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, Naked Lunch, The Elements of Style (that's grammer style), New York Girls, Confessions of a Window Dresser.


Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollack, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Cindy Sherman, Diane Arbus, Charles and Ray EAMES (the ultimate partners in crime), Eero Saarinen, Richard Neutra, Jack Kerouac, Betsey Johnson, Elsa Schiaparelli, Diane Von Furstenberg, My Parents, All of my Fallen Muses... Sifl and Olly!