black/ thrash, black, thrash, industrial black metal! metal festival, tattoo's, animated films, nice cold beer.
convince me
metal!! especially industrial black, black-thrash metal and black and (german)thrash metal.. I also love good heavy metal. . I'm not very fond of death metal, but technical deathmetal I do like!
some favorite bands are: Vulture industries, Lamented Souls, (old)sepultura (old)metallica, (old) amorphis, (very old) samael, Pestilence, Carnivore, Diabolicum, Destroyer 666, aura noir and Arcturus. Obituary, Forlorn, death, necrophagist, dismember, aeternus, mysticum, ad hominem, Behemoth, Ulver, genocide commando, aborym, black lodge, corpus christii, sunn o))), dark space, destruction, Iron Maiden, Iced earth, Candle Mass, Primordial, Possessed, Sabbat, King Diamond, Mercy full fate. Judas Priest, bathory, venom, sodom, Sadus, Nifelheim, Immortal, Enslaved, Satyricon, Keep of Kalessin, anal natrack, Augury, vader, immolation, morgul, månegarm, Ascaroth, abigor, summoning, dawn, devin thousand, so on, so on...
I don't see much films..I cant sit still for so long.
I really like clock work orange, The search for the holy grail (monty python) and my most favorite film is The big labouwsky. I hate fantasy and most action films, butt I like bloody thrillers.
I'm addicted to the news. I like to watch series like: lost, soprano's, desperate houswifes, twinpeaks, carnivale, six feet under. my other half say's that I also like: As the world turns ;) I like animated and cartoon films. I also like those english humor like the young ones, bottem, ab fab and black adder.I really hate amarican sitcoms
at the moment my studybooks are the only books I read. And some metalzines
my cat Azrael!The best beer ever!and these guy's ofcourse