Christina Drinkupbitch profile picture

Christina Drinkupbitch

About Me

Maybe I will put more detail in this section but if you really want to know more about me just ask!

My Interests

I like cooking and fresh homemade food! It is fun to mix and dip as well!Some of what I like: Some junk food I like:My favorite sport all around is American Football. I also would love to learn all kinds of martial arts but right now I only know Tae Kwon Do. There are a lot of sports I still want to try but haven't yet. Here are some of the other sports I like:I love to walk around outside. Nature is just so beautiful and calming in general. Here are some of what I like about the outdoors: I love almost anything creative. Here are some of those that I like: I love playing different kinds of games. Some board games are cool but I would have to say that video games are my favorite. Here are some I like to play: Other things I like:

I'd like to meet:

The whole world...and more...

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Anything really . . . but my favorite I guess would have to be the songs without words because you can make your own story up for them. Recently I have been listening to Japanese radio stations.I also like playing all kinds of instruments but these are the ones I have learned so far...




I usually channel surf if I am watching television.


I like reading all different kinds of things. With that said, the last thing I read was...Rene Descartes: Meditations on First was interesting.


My Blog


I really want to see someone...
Posted by Christina Drinkupbitch on Thu, 24 May 2007 09:36:00 PST

There is a Helicopter hovering over our neighborhood!

So last evening there was this huge fire in our neighborhood. Everyone was out to see what happened or is happening. I never knew there were that many people living here now. I thought the fire was at...
Posted by Christina Drinkupbitch on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 05:07:00 PST


Firefox seems to hate my background because my lovely background is being replaced with whiteness!
Posted by Christina Drinkupbitch on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 02:53:00 PST

Another Silly Secret!

I dislike the slide I have on my myspace profile. Maybe I will change it...go back to typing up all my general likes. Which will take forever but maybe I can do it this time. I dislike my profile in g...
Posted by Christina Drinkupbitch on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 08:11:00 PST

Another Secret!

I don't really have a home at the moment.
Posted by Christina Drinkupbitch on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 04:26:00 PST

Secret...its been too long to remember...

I don't really like holidays. I mean...why should you need a holiday to show you care if you can do it randomly. It feels like you are being forced to be merry. If I don't technically believe in said...
Posted by Christina Drinkupbitch on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 04:20:00 PST

Secret Sixteen

I just realized that I let others choose what I liked when I was younger. Basically I was shy and got things because others did. Not just because they did but because I wanted to play with them. It is...
Posted by Christina Drinkupbitch on Wed, 31 May 2006 06:07:00 PST

Secret...another one already...

I have such big and crazy dreams that no one really thinks I can accomplish them and they don't understand why I am doing some of the things I am doing. In other words...they keep trying to discourage...
Posted by Christina Drinkupbitch on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 05:28:00 PST

Secret...the next one...

The things I do and think about is a bit weird for some but right now I just want to let my hands travel over a certain someones body. Let my nails dig into that persons flesh as they travel across al...
Posted by Christina Drinkupbitch on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 05:33:00 PST

Secret Thirteen!

I am getting a bit nervous because my surgery is early this Thursday. Assuming nothing goes wrong...which nothing should. I got to have this drainage tube stuck in me for at least a whole day. Then I ...
Posted by Christina Drinkupbitch on Tue, 24 Jan 2006 07:59:00 PST