Justin K. profile picture

Justin K.

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

The name is Justin. I'm 5'8" and am currently attending Wayne State University for marketing. I'm very big into music, especially of the electronic persuasion. I'm an online addict and a gamer. I have a huge fascination with MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and Muay Thai. I love body modification in all of it's forms. I like to pretend I'm a rockstar, instigate riots, and cause trouble.

[ FlatLine.WS ] - [ LJ ] - [ I.AM ]

My Interests

[+] Gaming
[+] Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
[+] Muay Thai
[+] Marketing
[+] Street Teaming
[+] Technology
[+] World of Warcraft

I'd like to meet:

People that inspire me. Other like minded individuals. Anyone that can satisfy my lust for knowledge. Other people interested in martial arts.
If you are interested in promoting Mindless Self Indulgence or the Dresden Dolls in the Michigan area, join the MichibRATs MySpace group.


[+] Mindless Self Indulgence
[+] The Dresden Dolls
[+] Tub Ring
[+] The Prodigy
[+] the Left Rights
[+] Terrorfakt
[+] Grendel
[+] Pow[d]er Pussy
[+] Unter Null
[+] Melt Banana
[+] Psyclon Nine
[+] Skinny Puppy
[+] ohGr
[+] Arzt+Pfusch
[+] Hanzel und Gretyl
[+] Firewerk
[+] Aphex Twin
[+] Kidney Thieves
[+] Wumpscut
[+] SNOG
[+] Mr. Bungle
[+] Hocico
[+] Terminal Choice
[+] Nine Inch Nails
[+] A Perfect Circle
[+] Marilyn Manson
[+] DeathBoy
[+] Dog Fashion Disco
[+] David Bowie
[+] MSD
[+] Portishead
[+] Lollipop Lust Kill
[+] Razed in Black
[+] Zeromancer
[+] Pigface
[+] Cyber Axis
[+] Depeche Mode
[+] D-12


[+] Way of the Gun
[+] Seven
[+] Ichi the Killer
[+] Alice in Wonderland
[+] Dawn of the Dead
[+] The Professional
[+] Shaun of the Dead
[+] Natural Born Killers
[+] Fight Club
[+] 28 Days Later


[+] Black Books
[+] CSI
[+] Futurama
[+] Family Guy
[+] Aqua Teen Hunger Force
[+] The Simpsons


[+] The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
[+] The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams


[+] Cthulhu
[+] Douglas Adams
[+] Georges St. Pierre
[+] Yves Edwards

My Blog

Happy fucking birthday . . .

Yesterday was my 21st birthday.  Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes :)  MySpace kind of messed up and tried to tell people that today is my birthday too.  So, to those of you th...
Posted by Justin K. on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 10:53:00 PST

Holy shit!

I just got my order from Bird ov Prey in.  I have to say, I'm impressed.   Even with how hectic the holiday season is, Jorden kept me updated on the status of my order constantly via em...
Posted by Justin K. on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 09:34:00 PST

Massive update!

There's a lot to this post, so I've broken it down into different sections.  Click the links to skip to different sections:[Dresden Dolls]Call for Album Artwork SubmissionsParadise DVD Pre-Order ...
Posted by Justin K. on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 08:13:00 PST

Seattle . . .

Last weekend I flew out to Seattle to visit a good mate of mine.  She moved there roughly 6 weeks ago, and I couldn't resist the opportunity to visit while working. Had some fun bonding time.&nb...
Posted by Justin K. on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 10:29:00 PST

Hella update

Been awhile since I updated this damn thing. Alright, here's the dealy-o straight from the mouth of my homes, Bill H.: Hey People. It's that time again. We need kids to flyer for the upcoming s...
Posted by Justin K. on Tue, 20 Sep 2005 08:03:00 PST

A minor update . . .

I'm really horrible about updating this thing. Anyways, lots of fun things have been going on.  I have updated my site with a total revamp.  It still has a bit of work to be done, but the m...
Posted by Justin K. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

So you don't want to hear about my good song . . . ?

I'm home. I'm alive. I've been home since Saturday night, but I've just gotten the energy and time to post . . . so here we go:As most of you know, I left for Kalamazoo at 1 AM on Friday morning. The ...
Posted by Justin K. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST