Music, karate movies, mental food blogging, premium denim jeans, and keeping an eye on "the streets".
NPH, Anthony Bourdain, JCVD, Steven Segal.View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment
Death Cab For Cutie, Jimmy Eat World, The Get Up Kids, Dio, Dragonforce, Iron Maden, Postal Service, Copeland, Styrofoam, Peter Bjorn and John, Mae, Hip Hop--both threatening and non-threatenning, R&B from the eighties and later along with other stuff that hasn't been cool in at least three years or so...
About a Boy, Almost Famous, Above The Law, Blood Sport, Big Trouble in Little China, Fight Club, Goodwill Hunting, High Fidelity, Jerry McGuire, Swingers, Say Anything, Wedding Crashers, And various straight to video martial arts movies.
I am a self confessed TV Junkie: Blow Out, Chapelle's Show, The Cosby Show, ER, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Friends, Growing Pains, Heros, No Reservations, My Name is Earl, The OC, The Office, Project Runway, Rob & Big, Saved by the Bell, Scrubs, Ultimate Fighting.
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, Choose Your Own Adventure Series...I don't read a whole lot.
Jesus, Parents, Bruce Lee.