swamp_foetus profile picture


ANTROGÃœNE [sic] menschen rocken!

About Me

So many people know me.
I wish I did.
I wish someone would tell me about me.

all about eve. ~bette.


im mehli. im german but for now living in peterborough, england. all because i thought the job i applied for was in london. oh well, we all make mistakes. i would have preferred to stay in germany but finding work over there isnt easy. and the work im doing atm is good fun and quite interesting. i love everything fluffy and feathery and things that go 'quack'. i guess i prefer animals to humans and am rather on my own that with others (unless theyre friends). i envy drag queens, have penis envy and dislike narrow-minded and arrogant people (unless they have a good reason for being arrogant). im in love with old film stars, baby jane, glittery make up, wigs and all kinds of things to stick on my head. this obviously doesnt mean im the goddess of make up, compared to 99% of the outside world im not really good at it but at least i know how to use fake eyelashes ;). i am probably the most stupidly shy person on two legs so if i dont talk to you when im out and about its not because i dont want to, its because im me. i love to laugh, dance and have a good time and all of that even without alcohol and/or drugs. i love watching people when theyre dressed up and look different so if i sit in a corner somewhere with a huge grin on my face that is probably the reason why (that sounds a bit creepy o_o). im old fashioned when it comes to a couple of things and think that a lot of people kind of have lost all morals and values. which is a shame. i also dislike people being late - unless they have a good reason for being late (being stuck on the m25 is always a good excuse!).

other than that. im me, hello.

My Interests

*1920s - 1950s. *amanda lepore. *animal rights. *animals. *art nouveau. *asexuality. *audio tapes. *b movies. *ball joint dolls. *beardsley. *bette davis. *bettie page. *books. *candy. *candy darling!. *cheesecake. *chocolate. *coffee. *creativity. *david lachapelle. *disco bloodbath. *dita von teese. *drag queens. *ed wood. *enid blyton. *fireflies. *fritz lang. *glitter. *heatherette. *hedwig and the angry inch. *helnwein. *old housekeeping books and magazines(1920s-1950s). *james dean. *joan crawford. *john willie's bizarre. *klaus nomi. *letters and postcards. *make up. *mark ryden. *morrissey. *mucha. *old etiquette. *oscar wilde. *pin ups. *pin up magazines. *playgrounds. *ray caesar. *rebel without a cause. *second hand bookshops. *serial killers. *shoot my rocket up uranus. *silent films. *sleeping birds. *straight edge. *the smiths. *trevor brown. *verdrehtes vorstellungsvermögen. *vincent price. *vincent price's moustache. *vincent price's pork chops song. *vinyl. *weird art. *whatever happened to baby jane?. *wigs. *yawning birds.

I'd like to meet:

(i would have liked to meet.)

and the voice of steve barton - only the voice, not the person himself. well. he is dead now. oh. and joachim von hassel. in a uniform.


everything from minimal, batcave, 80s, 50s, swing, new swing, industrial, electro to just 'normal'.


*whatever happened to baby jane? *american psycho. *anything with james dean. *anything with vincent price. *anything from the 1930s-1950s. *cheesy old german movies from the 1950s-1970s. *anything tim burton. *anything bette davis. *anything buster keaton. *anything joan crawford. *anything bela lugosi (cutie pie). *any type of b/w horror movie. *good films like velvet goldmine, hedwig and the angry inch etc.


dr house. cold case.


*old housekeeping magazines and books. esp german ones.

My Blog

hello strangers.

hello strangers!:) welcome.just a general rule for this little space. i will probably not add you if you just randomly add me as a friend. i would like at least a message telling me who you are, or w...
Posted by swamp_foetus on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 08:35:00 PST

but you know what?

only 2 more years and i can go home.
Posted by swamp_foetus on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 10:32:00 PST

picture madness...september 2007.

wow. this weekend was so brilliant, im still all happy and bouncy! i can see my friends again - and my family and its just great! ♥so hutz and flozi took me to the clubs with them and i too...
Posted by swamp_foetus on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 01:15:00 PST