Starting listening to Bob Marley sinds the age of 13 together with a lot of other power flower music, love & peace, respect to life, my king and my 3 blessed love kids, is my life...
love to paint and being creating with everything, changing clothes, crochet, cooking, baking, making jam, Love to go to festivals and going to concerts,learning and reasoning with friends, love the nature, the sea, the many faces of the world, hope to see much more, and so i dance through my life......i lived a good life, but i missed the true faith,...
From the first moment i visit the sessions by King Shiloh, my life has been changed, and the lyrics become more and more powerful in my life, it al leads my life in moving in ONE LOVE direction, The powerful awakening from the blessed spirit of the rastafari makes me realize that we are all one, and fear from babylon system in and outside ,gets less power over me,
The lyrics are words from my heart, and i feel strong as a lion hearing the vibe, it shine so clear, praises to the most high
Going back to the rootz, let me realize how grateful i am, endless is his power, blessed love is in my heart, my strength, my leading light.heartical thanks to sister Lotte (crossoveryouth) to pimp up my white myspacesite. Computerknowledge is not my strong side, and now my side looks beautiful thanks to your hard work BIG,BIG UP!
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