MiMeRs profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

My Interests

Art, Manga, some anime, reading, Haunted stuff like dolls and houses, some scary movies that involves ghosts and hauntings, music and cute lil animals.

I'd like to meet:

You Are Strawberry Cake
Fresh, sassy, and romantic.
You're a total flirt, who never would turn down a sugary treat.
Occasionally you're a bit moody - but you usually stay sweet! What Kind of Cake Are You?
You Are a Banana
You are mellow, easy going, and a total softie on the inside.
People find it really easy to get along with you. You suit most tastes.

And while you're very sweet, you're not boring or ordinary.
You have an attraction to the exotic, and you could show up anywhere... doing almost anything!

You are spirited, energetic, and a total kick to be around.
You're also quite funny. Your sense of humor is on the goofy side, and it fits you well. What Type of Fruit Are You?


Basically all kinds of rock and anything that is different. I hate Rap and R&B. Few I like though, very few.


Some korean dramas (Hello God, My Girl, Choon Huang), very few Chinese dramas, Ghilbi films are awesome, haunting movies


come cartoon network stuff, nickelodeon, and some disney stuff, Amazing Race, Heroes, Superstition, Unsolved Mysteries


Pendragon, Cirque Du Freak, Harry Potter, manga, romance novels


My dad, mom, brother and family.

My Blog

RIP Ying aka Fatty

You were the cutest little Fatty ever, may you find peace in hamster heaven. I will always miss your chubby little cheeks. ...
Posted by MiMeRs on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 11:57:00 PST

Yay Cancun!

Cancun! Here I come!!! >v -->!! Yay and then Cirque Du Soliel. man big plans ahead! Cant wait!! ...
Posted by MiMeRs on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 11:05:00 PST

Please Support the Troops and Open your eyes

when its nothing compared to others...>*Turn up your volume*You stay up for 16 hours.He stays up for days on end.You take a warm shower to help you wake up.He goes days or weeks without running water....
Posted by MiMeRs on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:13:00 PST

Help Peta get rid of Vick from Nike

Please help guys, I hate it when dogs fight,  its just not right. What an asshole. He should fall in a ditch full of savage beasts and get pwned on by th...
Posted by MiMeRs on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 07:38:00 PST

Can anyone lend me their tents for the weekend?

Hey friends, I was wondering if anyone {who actually goes camping} can lend me their tents for the weekend? Im going camping with a bunch of people and we only have 2 tents, we need two more. Please s...
Posted by MiMeRs on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 01:38:00 PST

Mimi taking over Taiwan? Maybe....

Yay! I might go to Taiwan next month for a week with Chauie! I just have to get my passport and some greens. Haha, gosh im sooo excited!! >_____<
Posted by MiMeRs on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 06:11:00 PST

Disrespecting Fallen Soldiers

Ft Lewis has decided that we are losing too many soldiers to offer 'individual' memorials for those that are killed in action. They will now offer a 'once a month' service. Well, what kind of crap is ...
Posted by MiMeRs on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 08:00:00 PST

I pledge to wear fur-free clothes for life!

Yep! I went on Peta and pledge that I would not wear fur for life! You should too! Think of all the poor animals that are stripped of their furs while conciouss. Think of the pain and agong of being s...
Posted by MiMeRs on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 08:25:00 PST

Save the Kangaroos

Kangaroos need your help to avoid being skinned and turned into soccer cleats, jackets, and other accessories! Senate Bill 880 would legalize kangaroo skin sales in California, where they have been ba...
Posted by MiMeRs on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 10:17:00 PST

Save the Kangaroos

Kangaroos need your help to avoid being skinned and turned into soccer cleats, jackets, and other accessories! Senate Bill 880 would legalize kangaroo skin sales in California, where they have been ba...
Posted by MiMeRs on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 10:18:00 PST