My friends and I love playing HI-LO-FOSHO, which is our favorite card game.The rules of the game sound complicated, but once you play, you'll get the hang of it quickly:Everyone must pick ONE card.The lower the card the better. (A, 2, 3,etc)Basically, the highest card must take a shot. We prefer shots of Hennessey, but whatever floats your boat.RULES ABOUT SELECTING ROYAL CARDS1- You don't want a face card (highest card in the deck)2- All face cards are equivalent to each other (all face cards tie)3- If you pick a face card, you're automatically in the playoff roundSome Wild Card rules:All Party Foul Rules Apply: spilling drinks, cheating, etc will result in a drink.The Derek Rule:If someone does not want to play, they must immediately take 3 shots in a row and leave the premises to be excused from the game (We don't want any bitches around).All tying hands must pull again. If there is no tiebreaker by more than 3 pulls, both players must drink.If you take 3 shots IN A ROW during the course of the game, you may select any contestant to take one shot with you at your discretion.The Ace of Spade:Anyone lucky enough to pull THE ACE OF SPADE is not only safe from drinking but also has the authority to call out anyone to take a shot. However, the selected person may not be the loser of the current round.Double Jeopardy:Some lucky players will drink so much that they will say the magic words, "I QUIT" (perhaps out of anger or to sabotage the game). These two words create a new game lasting no more than 3 rounds.The game becomes "BLACK CARD RED CARD."If you pull a Black card, you are safe.If you pull a RED card, you drink.The game is continues until there is nothing left to drink. After the game has ended, everyone will select the unlucky winner of the night and will receive a courtesy make over from SHARPIE, the magic marker! HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK TO YOU!
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