Martial Arts, the path that has led me here began 1975, at Mr. Chip Wrights Champion Karate" U.F.A.F." , formerly owned by Mr. Bob Borrow "Tang Soo Do"75 to 83 .Shihan Fred West, Akido,Shotokan, 83 to 87.Trained and taught With Sensei's Jack Foley and Jim Lafarado 90 to 94 at, Diamond Athletic, I.F.K.A. Master Steve A. Curran,Shito-Ryu,Tae Kwon Do, American Karate 94 to 02. I competed from 1975 to September, 1996. 31 years and still kicking!!!
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..."SURGER BEAR"...,Elvis, Ghangus Khan, Nepolan Bonapart, Jeasus, Budda, Norma Jean, Bruse Lee, Jim Morrison, Gerronamo, Lewis and Clark, Cortez, Julius Cesar, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Shakspeare, Socratese, Vincient Vango, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Jack London
Music is important to me,Some of my favorite musicians are, The Doors,Bob seager, Jimmy Hendricks, Janis Joplin, BB King, Eric Claptin, Bob Dylan.Harry Nilsson, Lynard Skynard, Ozzie,Led Zeplin, The Beatles, The Who,Grand Funk Railroad,Pink Floyd, Cat Stevens,Stones ,Bruce springsteen , Ricky Nelson,ELO,Mindflow, The Subdudes,Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, Zigy Stardust,Bob Marly, Credance Clearwater Revival, The Egales, Aerosmith, Kiss, Blue Oyster Cult, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Goverment Mule, Thin Lizzy, Sweet,Joe Coker, Van Morrison
"Rob Roy" ," What the Bleep Do WE Know" 50 First Dates...Rocky 1...God Father(All)... Scare Face...Heavy Metal,The Last Dogmen,Stigmata, The League of Extraoridnary Gentelmen, X-men, Matrix,Underworld, Comedy
Your Hidden Talent
You have the power to persuade and influence others.
You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around.
The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it.
Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think!
What's Your Hidden Talent?
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, by Dan Millman...Depac Chopra...The Dalilama...The Other Side of The Mountian ,Six Easy Peices by Richard Fynman, Camolot,Dune,Grims Fairytales,The Toa of Phoo, Dr.Seuss
You Fight Fair
For you, a fight is not about proving you're right.
Instead, it's about discussing and resolving difficult issues.
You don't look for fights, but you don't avoid them either.
You realize that clearing the air is good, when you go about it the right way.
Do You Fight Fair?
Albert Einstine, Benjiman Franklin, Richard Fynman, My Mom and Pop, Jim Morrison,Dennis The Mennis, Marylin Monroe, Elvis, Dr.Seuss, Sir Lansolot,