Jen -A Working Girl- profile picture

Jen -A Working Girl-


About Me

ok i'm a senior oh yeah go class of 2007 i'm nice loving girl just don't go on my bad side or i'm not talking to you anymore lets see i love books no matter what i love to read i'm trying to read some classic books, i love to Rp meaning Role Play it kinda good i'm in character so much that i can act, i'm a blonde but i'm not dying my hair again i'm having my normal hair back i'm not afried of question at all if you want to ask me something ask and i'm here to listin to your problems if you get a chance well bye Jeanette (JEN) this is true no offens to any one but i really don't like them. i hate snobby bitches i really do if i have to be in the same room i'll go insane, Lets se i have alot of friends who keep telling i'm cute and beatuful (whatever you spell it))la la la everyone calls my crazy girl i don't know i drink caffine soda and i go hyper.. well if you want to know more about me message me..oh oh oh oh i'm getting a tattoo on my lower back and it going to be tinker bell and next to her it going to say Believe.. oh I love Tinker bell she the best out of all the princess.... new update of about me i get quite if something is bothering me, I'm from South Dakota well born there. I think i said i'm lazy a little bit but i'm active theres a stange thing i eat and eat but i don't gain so i'm so thin. more later

My Interests

my intrests is to become an actress, and work with little kids thinking of becoming a teacher.....

I'd like to meet:

i 'd like to meet is Chad Michael Murray, Hilary Duff, Orlando Bloom Sophia Bush, Bethany Joy G, James Lafferty, Alexis bledel,Shara Michelle Geller, david Bonza (sp who play Angel),Jared Padalecki,Jensen Ackels-- is that right?? Paul Walker, Jessica Alba,


Good Charlotte,music from Supernatural, HIlary Duff, Kelly Clarkson,the faders,Nickelback,My chemical Romance,


phantom of the opera, house of wax, a cinderella story, raise your voice, potc, troy,Mr.&Mrs. Smith, 13 going on 30, Salem's lot, the Notebook,Bring it on and Bring it on again,save the last dance, War of the Worlds,Elizabethtown,Supercross,She all that,The Perfect Man,Resident 1 and 2,Wimbledon,10 things i hate about you,underworld,The Perfect Score,Cry Wolf, Walk the line pretty woman, simply irresistible.sweet home almbam,TopGun, final destiaion 1,2 ,3, stay alive , Ice age, HAPPY FEET, Cinderella, fast and the furious and 2 fast and 2 furious into the blue timeline running scared joy ride. fantastic 4, transformers the island, devour, many more.


One Tree Hill,Supernatural,Smallville,Veronica MArs,Gimore Girls,Dark Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, BOnes, Grey's anatomy,Lost,24,Charmed,Sabrina the teenage witch,CSI Las vegas, Las vegas,simpsions, friday night lights. ghost wishperer, Heroes


books are harry potter ,some vampire books, where the heart is, X-men 3 the last stand, the notebook, a walk to remember, the wedding


Amanda my bbfl,mom and dad always there for me, Hilary Duff. my nanny.

My Blog

Ways to Annoy The Winchesters

Ways to Annoy The Winchesters A friend showed this to me. All credit goes to the posters on The CW forum.1. Ask Dean why he isnt special like Sam.2. Use their rocksalt on pretzels.3. Change the comb...
Posted by Jen -A Working Girl- on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 05:07:00 PST

Jared pictures link  ...
Posted by Jen -A Working Girl- on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 09:42:00 PST

my story

Ok I decide to do this story but it also a RP but no ones what it is. But I love this show and also two cute guys in it.     Once some one called in about a car accident the emergency room h...
Posted by Jen -A Working Girl- on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 11:06:00 PST

hey every one

lets say i had a stalker today at 11 till 4 oclock some people don't know this but some do i have a feeling that this guy like's me but i don't know anymore what is love we get the cute guys and we ge...
Posted by Jen -A Working Girl- on Sun, 05 Mar 2006 04:25:00 PST

fine life not

lets see i told someone that her nightmares were stupid and now i just know she hates me i don't give a crap who likes me or not but oh well thats life for you i day dream alot but sometimes i feel li...
Posted by Jen -A Working Girl- on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 11:06:00 PST

let's say i wanna go back to school

lets say today was not good i slepted in and thats was not me so tonight after i tape something for my mom i'm going to bed early and going to wake up good tomorrow i'll never do that again i had fun ...
Posted by Jen -A Working Girl- on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 03:31:00 PST

i don't know anymore

lets say i'm comfused and upset and ingnored  all  i want is some friends but now i don't know what i want anymore some people is calling me names and writeing hate mail to me so thats somet...
Posted by Jen -A Working Girl- on Wed, 14 Dec 2005 08:28:00 PST

all this high school drama

let me say right now i'm in a fight right now and i can't think how to say sorry of what i don't know what i did but i want is my best friend back i don't know if they want me back so i'm alone i ...
Posted by Jen -A Working Girl- on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 12:20:00 PST

can you fill this out for me thank you

can you fill this out for me please? 1. What is your name?2. How do you know me?3. What do you want to know about me the most?4. Why do you like me?5. Do you love me?6. Do you want to kiss me?7. Do ...
Posted by Jen -A Working Girl- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

hey everyone i felllike no want to talk to me

i feel. like no one like me some time i feel alone i wish i was in school or back to the states well i better go by          by
Posted by Jen -A Working Girl- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST