Jesus said, "I have come that ye might have life and that ye might have it more abundantly". My life is very abundant!! I am daughter, wife, sister, mother, grandmother, cousin & friend. I love all the roles I fill.
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I also am a PartyLite consultant. I sing solos and duets in church and enjoy coffee with my friends. I am both confident & scared, terrified & excited, loving & carinng, thoughtful & hopeful, sick & tired, shy & friendly, careful & careless, broken & whole! In other words I am everything & nothing!
................Why a Rhino you ask!?! Well it is because they have two inch thick skin so the little things don't bother them too much, and they charge with the least amount of provocation! ................Sharpen your horn and charge into life!!!
....................I broke my back at the age of four and they told my mom "she will never walk again" my mom said "IF YOU HAVE NOTHING TO OVERCOME---YOU OVERCOME NOTHING ~~~ IF YOU HAVE GREAT THINGS TO OVERCOME---YOU BECOME GREAT AT OVERCOMING THINGS! I am an overcomer through Christ! I have had: 114 surgeries, 54 cysts, 14 tumors, cancer at 25, pacemaker at 31, 2 heartattacks and 19 years of bonus on how long I was expected to live. God is Great!!!
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