"Attack them ruthlessly and without mercy. Leave nothing but an insignificant smudge on which we may all spit while laughing softly to ourselves."
Arcade Fire. Pixies. Tom Waits. Aphex Twin. Leonard Cohen. Bad Seeds. Wolfmother. wolf parade. Raconteurs. The Smiths.
Sexy Beast. Shining. Sergio Leone. Kubrik. Takeshi Miike. Chan Woo-Park. Stephen Chow. Joon Bong.
Deadwood, Sopranos, Big Love, Its always sunny in philidelphia, The Wire. Veronica Mars. Battlestar. Shut up. Mighty Boosh.
Watch Old Greg and more funny videos at Devileash.com
Y the last man, Next Wave, Scott Pilgram, B.P.R.D., Fell, Mouse Guard, anything Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, James M. Caine, Philip K. Dick, J.G. Ballard, Borgeis, Raymond Carver, Grant Morrison, Warren Ellis, Mike Carey.
Philip K. Dick, Grant Morrison, Warren Ellis, Truman Capote, Takeshi Miike, Takeshi Kitano, Terrance Malick, Batman, Raymond Chandler, Bruce Fucking Lee, that homeless guy with the space helmet.