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When your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme. - Jiminy Cricket

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.. content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.3020" name=GENERATOR My name is Aimee...I have been known by Runt, Jiminy, Simmer, Stretch, Veda and various others...My Dad calls me Little Al, Sweet, or Aimerica...I have three medium/large tattoos that all have meaning...I adore tiger lilies...I don't like gold, I'd rather white gold...I love the fall foliage...I am a nature freak but not a tree hugger...I have an older brother who has taught me strength...I have a father who is my best friend...I have a mother whose always looking out for me...I have a very large family-blood and chosen whom I love all dearly...I have friends who always make me laugh...I am Scottish and Irish with a little Dutch...I have a real bad temper...It takes me awhile for me to trust...I tend not to forget...I write poetry and have an agent that is helping me publish my first collection book...I feel as though I should have been redhead...I have an outie belly button that I find unique...I'd rather be with a small group of friends than a huge crowd...I don't really like to shop...I like to look nice but never really take the time to do my hair or make-up...Hell a lot of days in the morning, I can't get my eyes open enough to put in my contacts...I have a boot fetish...I absolutely hate feet...Pedicures are tortureous for me, well the one I had...I am a hopeless romantic but don't really show it...I love the fact I have green eyes...I have a kitten named Havoc...We have two other cats here, Tyrone who is an affection whore and Shaniqua whose a little skiddish,(I didnt name them...)...I have two ferrets...I live with my boyfriend, Russ and couldn't be happier...I now know what it means to be happily in-love...I live in the basement apartment below Libby and Brad...Libby has become a 'favorite'...I have an incredible large sweet tooth...I am not a morning person...I love hazelnut coffee...I have strange and vivid dreams...I love vegetables...I am 6' tall which people tend to sometimes think is huge...I love sports...I love camping...I can stare at the stars all night...I miss my dog Star and my cat Tubs terribly...I miss Grandma and Grandpa tremendously...My relationship with Russ is the greatest thing to ever happen to me...I miss those stupid nights in D'burg with AJ, Annie, Joe, Jon, and Jesse...I still remember my slumber parties with Abby and our lake walks...I miss my house on Thousand Acre Rd but don't miss the times within...I miss talking with AJ everyday, we've known one and another since we were nine...My dream is to live in a log cabin where I work at home as a writer...I want a lot of dogs, all large breed...I love Boxers and Great Danes...I always wanted to learn how to ice skate...I miss tap dancing...I miss those days at my Aunt Robin's house as a kid...I don't really like my job right now but it pays the bills...I am obsessed with Disney...I feel as though people underestimate my collection of Donald Duck...I am very competitive at Disney Scene It...I love fantasy and magic and believe in both...I love a white Christmas but then want the snow gone by Jan. 5th...I love to drive...I love to dance but shy about it till I've had a lot to drink...I love to sing but I am not good at it at all...I am obsessed with pictures...I love a good poem...I love a nice night at home...I love Russ...I don't like everything from my past but needed it all to be where I am today...I don't regret because there's no way to go back in time...I am a leaf blowing in the wind..."There's nothing to writing, you just sit at a typewriter and open a vein"
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............. Besides that I LOVE FOOTBALL, poetry, quotes, emotion, to sit and watch people seeing how they act when they think no one is watching, I love music, I love to sing in the shower when no one can hear me (just because I love to sing don't mean I am good...) There is many more.... "To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love, but then one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer, to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love, to be happy then is to suffer but suffering makes one unhappy, therefore to be unhappy one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness." *Love and Death*
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This Blue Rose is in rememberence of my Grandma & Grandpa Chidsey...RIP I love you and miss you both tremendously...
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Myspace Layouts My favorite all time song is Bruce Springsteen's Secret Garden (without the excerpts from Jerry Maguire b/c thats just tacky...) Other than that I love pretty much all music but rap. Separate Ways by Journey is a favorite, Unchained Melody by Righteous Bros., Amie (obvisously) by Pure Prairie League, My Angel by Aerosmith, On My Way by Rusted Root, My Girl, Radar Love and Twilight Zone by Golden Earring, Gone Away by Cold, Falls On Me by Fuel and so many more bands lets see...big fan of Van Halen (and Van Hagar),Journey, Def Leppard, all classic rock really... and of course country music... yea I know I am a hick!


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Tim Burton..Genious I LOVE ALL MOVIES, except for those 80 horror movies, those who know me know what I am talking about. Some favorites are, Practical Magic, Underworld, Ocean's 11 and 12, the Bourne movies, Transporter, Bad Boys 2, Will Smith movies, Reign of Fire, How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, Shrek, Disney movies, Taken Lives, even Tomb Raider, Steel Magnolias is an early favorite, Jerry Maguire, Remember the Titans, Love and Basketball, Dirty Dancing (a classic), Grease, The Family Man, all the Lethal Weapons, Die Hard, Forrest Gump, Boondock Saints, Hocus Pocus, Perfect Storm, Ghost, Happy Gilmore, Anger Managment, and SO many more...*****************************
Myspace Layouts "Do you ever put your arms out and spin and spin and spin? Well thats what love is like. Makes you heart race, turns your world upside down. But if your not careful, if you dont keep your eyes on something still, you can lose your balance. You cant see whats happening to the people around you...You cant see that your about to fall..." -Nicole Kidman-Practical Magic


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"In the lives of children, pumpkins can turn into coaches, mice and rats into human beings. When we grow up, we learn that it's far more common for human beings to turn into rats." - Gregory Maguire "Cry a little bit if you have to. It's healthy to piss in the fire. But then back you go." -Gregory Maguire "Midway upon the journey of our life, I found myself within a forest dark, for the straightforward pathway had been lost." - Dante's The Inferno "Lost are we, and are only so far punished, that without hope we live on in desire" -Dante's The Inferno "I have so often dreamed of you that you become unreal. Is it still time enough to reach that living body and to kiss on that mouth the birth of the voice so dear to me? I have so often dreamed of you that my arms used as they are to meet on my breast in embracing your shadow would perhaps not fit the contour of your body. And, before the real apperance of what has haunted and ruled me for days and years, I might become only a shadow. Oh the weighing of sentiment. I have so often dreamed of you that there is probably no time now to waken. I sleep standing, my body exposed to all the appearances of life and love and you, who alone still matter to me, I could less easily touch your forehead and your lips than the first lips and the first forehead I might meet by chance. I have so often dreamed of you, walked, spoke, slept with your phantom that perhaps I can be nothing any longer than a phantom among phantoms and a hundred times more shadow than the shadow which walks and will walk joyously over the sundial of your life." - Robert Desnos


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My Dad, when it would have been easier to run, like many men have done, he stayed fought for his heart, for his kids, and never left his family alone, even when the tunnel never seemed to end and the dark became too dark.