JOHNZILLA profile picture


I ain't got any flying shoes

About Me

enough about me!--------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

My Interests

Hallloween stuff, battling in armor,horror movies,comedy,redskins football,celtic football!

I'd like to meet:

joe gibbs,pete townsend,r.crumb,richard pryor,geoge carlin,howard stern,john huston if he was still alive and many more!


The who,smallfaces,the damned,the kinks,ween,the waste,the beach boys,gwar,devo,thin lizzy and a shit load of kick as bands!


Excalibur,planet of the apes the old ones,lolita,Shawn of the dead,hot fuzz,frankenstein,Treasure of sierra maudre, mostjohn waters films,most mel brooks films,all of peter jackson films,run ronnie run and so much more.


PBS,HISTORY,FOOD,LOST,STAR TREK,ROME and my fav little people big world


tolken,david sedaris,steve martin,richard pryor he only wrote one but it was awsome,larry niven,george,hunter s thompson and the classics on the road and catcher the rye and can't forget harry fucking potter and bunches of comics.


joe gibbs,richard pryor,pete townsend!

My Blog


fuck my tooth hurts!
Posted by JOHNZILLA on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 02:18:00 PST