sCaRiesT-pLace-oN-eArTH sTar-mOvIEs hAllWorK jAdE LaTiN-X-gAmEs RugBy-HQ-AsIA MaX-PoWeR NBA HarDwOoD WwE-ExPiReNces WoW SlAm-BaLL tWiLigHtzOnE DeAdDoGg Mr.DeStiNy tHe-X-fILe JuSt-sHooT-me BaYwATcH SeSAMe-sTreeT BeWitcHed UnTV PIMP-MY-ride EtC. SoLar-SpoRts HBO ESPN NeT-25 NaTiOnAL-gEogRaphIc SpoNge-BoB InVadeR-ZiM cInEmaX I-DaRE-YoU sMaCK-DaWn sCooBy-DoO dExTeR's-lAboRotY BoStOn-pUbLiC E.R. EaT-BuLaGA BubLe-GaNg OzZy-&-dRixZ sAMurAi-JacK tHe-wIrE tHe-sImPsOn sTraNgebReW dRagOnBoLL sUpErmAn bAtmAn hUntEr-X-hUntEr
The Belgariad and the Mallorean (David Eddings), Wheel of Time series (Robert Jordan), Song of Fire and Ice Series (G.R.R. Martin), Harry Potter, Anne Rice and any other epic series ten books long that have anything to do with magic, wizards and/or vampires. Currently reading: Kitchen Confidential/Robert Jordan's Lord of Chaos/Want Ads/Me Talk Pretty One Day. Depending on my mood. The Belgariad and the Mallorean (David Eddings), Wheel of Time series (Robert Jordan), Song of Fire and Ice Series (G.R.R. Martin), Harry Potter, Anne Rice and any other epic series ten books long that have anything to do with magic, wizards and/or vampires. Currently reading: Kitchen Confidential/Robert Jordan's Lord of Chaos/Want Ads/Me Talk Pretty One Day. Depending on my mood.