lizzie whizzie lets get busy!!!!! profile picture

lizzie whizzie lets get busy!!!!!

Lizzie whizzie lets get busy!!!!!

About Me

Hello Babez and Ladz! Im lizzie and im 22 and from Cardiff! Im a cardiff lass through and through! I love going out with my babez(luv ya all) on the wkends to getting f**king pissed up in Cardiff City!! I work as a secreatry at a local restaurant, and on a Tuesday night I work in a pub (The dragon)Myspace For Girls Only -

My Interests

BOYS BOYS BOYS!!! dancing and getting pissed right up like!!!.. Copied from -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend!

I'd like to meet:

EVERYONE AND ANYONE- im easy hahahaha
Myspace Layouts


Anything poppy really! pussycat dolls, girls aloud- they are HOT


Just my luck, americas sweethearts


big bro, charlotte church show, soaps, sex and the city, MADE


haha, i liek heat magazine


Chantelle, that girl went from having nothing to everything!!! an inspiration to us all!!

My Blog

all about me

let me introduce myself im a nice girl with a filthy mind i love male and female attention  and absolutely hate girls/guys that get jealous. my moto is "if u got it flaunt it." i live by my...
Posted by lizzie whizzie lets get busy!!!!! on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 03:57:00 PST