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Hardcore Wrestlingecw sandman vs raven in barbed wire match
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I'd like to meet Rvd, The sandman, Raven, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, New Jack, Ian and Axl Rotten, Taz, 2 Cold Scorpio, Jerry Lynn, The whole F.B.I, Stevie Richards, The Blue meanie, Kronus+ Perry Saturn, TERRY FUNK, The Francise Shane Douglas, Mikey Whipwreck, Bam Bam(R.I.P), The Dudleys, C.W. Anderson, Justin Credible, Mike Awsome, Balls, Chris Chetti, Rhyno, Simon Diamond, Danny Doring, Roadkill, Dawn Marie, Francine, Kid Kash, Psichosis, Super Crazy, Lance Storm, Chirs Jericho, Cactus Jack, Paul Heyman, Todd Gordon, Gertner, Bill Alfonso, of Course Joey Styles, and any other ecw original I missed.
ECW: One night stand 1&2, HARDCORE HOMECOMING, HARDCORE HOMECOMING November Reign, The rise and fall of ecw, ECW: EXTREAM RULES, ECW: Bloodsport, Rvd- One of a kind
ECWFinal ECW Match
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The Rise and FAll of ECW
Paul Heyman