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Nathn Fillion or Jewel Staite... or any of the cast of Firefly/Serentity.
Pretty much everything but rap...... although i do like MC Benzee. Favorite bands ... hmmm... superdrag, spacehog, the Who, CCR, the Beatles, and some other ones I'm sure.....3
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Conan the barbarian, Conan the destroyer, Conan Vs. the incredible Hulk, Conan saves the world, um... oh and the last temptation of Conan. I think that about covers 'em all.
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You are Superman Superman 80% Spider-Man 75% Green Lantern 75% Iron Man 70% Batman 60% Supergirl 60% Robin 55% Catwoman 55% Hulk 45% Wonder Woman 40% The Flash 40% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
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I think Egon was wrong when he said "print is dead." i love to read and think that todays generations are missing out on alot of lost knowledge due to their unwillingness to read a good book every once and a while. Favorite book is the Hitchhikers guide of course i read it back in the mid 90's so no im not a band wagon dork. but i am still a dork.
My personal hero would have to be the Great and Allpowerfull Bruce Campbell. He is the coolest actor in the entire universe... Also Calvin and Hobbes.... Calvin is Awesome... um..... oh yeah and Bill Nye the science guy.... um..... I think thats it..... nope also my Uncle Dave....and Capt. Mal from Firefly.