Volim zurke,dobre svirke,svoje prijatelje,porodicu,svoju malu sobu,nakit,marame,volim neobicnost,jedinstvenost,zvezde,tetovaze,pirsinge,volim da putujem,Exit,Mobu,da citam novine,ravnu kosu,prolece,persijske macke,spontanost,fotografiju,glumu,Mtv,vodku,pivo,Garden...N
e volim promitivizam,romantiku,hemiju,obaveze,planove,8.mart,kafu,bu
seve,dosadne i obicne ljude,trenerice,kic,zimu,jednostavnost..
Bojim se visine,smrti,starosti...I was alone, Falling free,
Trying my best not to forget
What happened to us,
What happened to me,
What happened as I let it slip.I was confused by the powers that be,
Forgetting names and faces.
Passersby were looking at me
As if they could erase itBaby did you forget to take your meds?I was alone,
Staring over the ledge,
Trying my best not to forget
All manner of joy
All manner of glee
And our one heroic pledgeHow it mattered to us,
How it mattered to me,
And the consequencesI was confused,
By the birds and the bees
Forgetting if I meant itBaby did you forget to take your meds?And the Sex and the drugs and the complicationsBaby did you forget to take your meds?I was alone,
Falling free,
Trying my best not to forget
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