shta reci....
ljudi pishu ovde mnoge gluposti..a shta ja da napishem da bude pametno :) ...onda bolje nishta da ne pishem :)
Ko me zna...zna...a ko ne zna...chlan sam audio/vizuelne organizacije iz Novog Sada..SpaceMotion,radim kao VJ,bavim se i fotografijom,grafickim dizajnom,muzikom,party organizacijom,marketingom i managmentom....:) itd,itd,koga jos sta zanima...saznaj!
contact: dacha (at)
Dacha...a head which with a pair of hands, various toys, gadgets and tons of software creates a hypnotizing effects of motion picture. My first encounter with VJ-ing was in 2004, but back then it didn't look to me as something I would like to do professionally. In time I found it interesting and grew to like it so I tryed myself in this “disciplineâ€. I am working professionally as a photographer and graphic desighner,therefore I mix my work with my VJ performances . I tend to achieve the best comunication possible with DJs I work with. At the moment I work the most with DJ Tole & Davor from my organization-Space Motion.For now we are the only 3-man crew in Serbia(as far as I know),that work as we do.Tole & Davor bring the musical part of the performance and I bring to the visual part.At the moment all three of us are listening to the same music(progressive house,electro,uplifting trance…).And there for we can adjust our performance to be balanced to the max :). Despite of the fact that VJ-ing is considered as a waste of time here in Serbia, and is seen as some sort of a hobby, I don't think like that. My oppinion is that one day, VJ-ing will be a crucial and inevitable part of every good party. My biger performances as a VJ alone or with other DJ’s are:Exit festival 06 @ Serbia,Runway Festival 07 @ Croatia,Dave Mothersole,Mathiass Tanzmann,Evil Eddie Richards,Tery Francis,Lexicon Avenue,Virgin Helena,Above & Beyond,G-Pal,Bart Claesen aka.Barthez,Nathan Coles,Jim Rivers....
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