My Daughter, Rock & Roll, Guitars, Harleys, Choppers, Corvettes, Hot Rods, Hockey - Team Canada, The Montreal Canadiens , Strippers, Anything to do with Racing Cars or Bikes.
Save a Life: Get This Code!
Haggis, Dave Lizmi, Ben Pape, Frank C. Starr, Ken (Dimwitt) Montgomery, Ronnie Van Zant, Ed King, Allen Collins, Gary Rossington, Steve Gaines, Ricky Medlock, Warren Haynes, Duane Allman, Dickie Betts, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimmy Vaughan, Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Jimi Hendrix.
This is a page dedicated to spreading the word about a Great Fuckin Rock n Roll band and bring The FourHorsemen's music to "New Ears" These guyz deserved a better fate and the record companies need to pull their collective heads out of their asses and grovel on their knees to sign these guyz !!! If you have never listened to their music do your self a favor and check them out, if you like what you hear visit their myspace and tell them !!! If you've been hip to them since the beginning visit them and tell em !!! If you want to hear some new music from them, visit them and tell em, they are cool people and will appreciate the gesture and who knows they may just record again !!!
The God Father Series, Spinal Tap, The Way of the Gun, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, The Professional, Easy Rider, Dances with Wolves, Carlito's Way, Scarface, Shrek 1,2& 3(I like to watch with my daughter).
Hockey Night In Canada, Sopranos, Trailer Park Boyz.
The Davinci Code - only book I've read lately and the Sherlock Holmes Stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
My Mom, Any Canadian Soldier past & present, Louis Riel. Anyone who says "FUCK YOU" to the system of political correctness that is ruining our great country !!!