. "If you really want to do something you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse."- Anon
I want to meet someone who challenges me. Someone I can learn from, who I can respect and who will inspire me, push me to be better, run faster, jump higher, and leap buildings in a single bound. ..
Ahhh, finially re-connecting with my piano. It's been a while. :-)
Fight Club, Mr & Mrs Smith, Moulin Rouge, Life is Beautiful, Narnia the devil. Freakin' gets me every time.
Currently: BLood makes the grass grow green, Thin Air, and C.S. Lewis- The Problem of Pain
My Dad for his integrity, mom for her love and warped sense of humor, Sister in law Jennifer for her complete wonderfulness and marrying my brother (thankyou thankyou thankyou)My sweetheart Justin for believing in me and helping me believe in myself. And my best friend Heddy for her wisdom and straight pimptasticness :-).