About Me
Desde muy pequenia Carina recibe al Senior Jesus en su corazon.
Sus padres le inculcaron el amor por la musica desde ninia, y a sus 8 anios de edad tuvo el privilegio de poder grabar su primera produccion para ninos llamada YO TENGO UN AMIGO.
En medio del avivamiento de Argentina, Carina a su corta edad viajaba a las reuniones multitudinarias de la Iglesia Vision de Futuro a ministrar al Senor.A esta grabacion le siguieron 3 mas: BIENVENIDA NAVIDAD, la cual contiene un mensaje del Reverendo Omar Cabrera, pastor de Vision de Futuro en Argentina.
Anios mas tarde llego MAS QUE AMIGOS, proyecto en el cual Carina fue la autora de mas de la mitad de las canciones y que fue grabado en 1997. Antes de cambiar su residencia desde Argentina hacia los Estados Unidos, Carina graba UN CANTO A LA VIDA, un proyecto coral.Ella siempre estuvo vinculada a su Iglesia local dirigiendo equipos de alabanza y coros.Durante 9 anios curso sus estudios musicales en el Conservatorio Provincial de Musica Felipe Boero en su ciudad, obteniendo el titulo de profesora de piano con orientacion en Direccion Coral.
Posteriormente, curso la carrera de Profesorado y Traductorado Tecnico de Ingles.Despues de dos anios, Carina se graduo de la ALPS (Advanced Leadership and Pastoral School) en Christ for the Nations. Durante ese periodo, dirigio al equipo de alabanza en ingles en dicha escuela y despues de graduarse estuvo a cargo del Ministerio de Musica del Instituto en Espaniol de Cristo para las Naciones.A comienzos del anio 2002 fundaron junto a su esposo el Ministerio Generacion Diferente, a traves del cual desarrollan diferentes actividades ministeriales.Actualmente Carina, su esposo y sus hijos residen en Dallas, Texas... MySpace Graphics MySpace Layouts MySpace Backgrounds MySpace Codes Glitter GraphicCarina was born in Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina and she received The Lord Jesús in her heart when she was just a little child. Her parents instilled in her a special love for music and when she was just 8 years old she recorded her firs album for children called I HAVE A FRIEND (YO TENGO UN AMIGO). In the midst of Revival in Argentina, Carina had the opportunity to travel and minister in overcrowded services of Vision de Futuro Church since she was 8 years old! After the first recording came 3 more: BIENVENIDA NAVIDAD (Welcome Christmas) which contains a sermon by Reverend Omar Cabrera, Senior Pastor of Vision de Futuro Church in Argentina and pioneer of the Revival in that nation. Some years later Carina recorded MAS QUE AMIGOS (MORE THAN FRIENDS), and she wrote most of the songs in this album in 1997. Before moving from Villa Maria, Cordoba, Argentina to the United States she recorded a choral project called UN CANTO A LA VIDA (A SONG FOR LIFE). Carina has always been serving at a local church leading worship teams, training worshippers and also directing the choir. During 9 years she studied music at the Conservatorio Provincial de Musica Felipe Boero in Villa Maria, the city in which she was raised, and finally graduated as a piano teacher with a minor in choral direction.
Afterwards, she graduated from the career of Technical Translation and Teacher of English. In 2002 Carina and her husband, Sergio Valerga, moved to Dallas, TX. to study at Christ for the Nations where they both received a Diploma in Practical Theology and an Advanced Diploma in Pastoral Ministry. During 2003 Carina lead worship at ALPS (Advanced Leadership and Pastoral School) and after graduating she was in charge of the Music Ministry at the Spanish School in Christ fot the Nations. At the beginning of the year 2002 Sergio and Carina founded Generacion Diferente Ministries, through which they develod several ministerial activities. Nowadays, Carina, her husband and their two beautiful children live in Dallas, Texas.