HEATHER FEATHER profile picture


My Lap Band Story

About Me

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..THIS IS MY JOURNEY!! COME ALONG!! READ MY BLOGS!!My name is Heather. I am 350 pounds. I have always been a healthy over-weight person. Until now.I am blessed to work for a company that carries UHC insurance! I will be able to get the Lap-Band surgery for nearly free.I first thought about having the Lap-Band surgery about 3 years ago. I have struggled with the thought of it.... Many questions entered my mind...Am I taking the easy way out? Is it the right thing to do? Is it the Christian thing to do? After all, Phillipians 4:13 says... I can do ALL things through Christ which strengtheneth me. You heard it...ALL things... well, I have prayed about this and others have prayed for me. My husband supports me as well.That brings be to my husband... I have a WONDERFUL husband. He supports me being just as I am and supports me to have this surgery. Neither of us want me to get skinny. I will be so happy to be a size 16 again. That will be HALF of me!!! WOW!!! His only concerns are that 1. Since I enjoy eating so much, that I am going to get angry not being able to eat...thus becomming a grouch, to put it nicely.... 2. Getting too skinny. 3. The sagging skin!!!!!!!!!!!!I talked to the doctor about the sagging skin!!! He said since I am only 33 that is a plus. He also said the loose skin is a genetic thing. He said he has patients that were over 400 pounds and their skin is great and he has patients that were 200 and they have sagging skin. Luckily, I have some pretty tight skin.Read more in my BLOG....STEP BY STEP!!!!.. ..

My Interests

Getting healthy!
COOL MySpace Comments

I'd like to meet:

Myself in a year!!! I would also like to meet this guy below. This video makes me cry!!!!


I like a LOT of different music. I mostly listen to alternative sounds...but still love my George Straight...and much more...These are all of our guitars!!!!!!!!


Love Me If You Dare, Anything w/Johnny Depp, Any Quentin Tarantino movie...I just dig him. Anything with John Malcovich. Anything with Bruce Willis, especially The 5th Element... I love war movies, especially about Vietnam, I love to laugh and cry while watching a movie! I also love kid movies...SHREK is AWESOME!!


SURVIVOR!!! The Amazing Race, QAF, HUFF, ROME, SIX FEET UNDER, BIG LOVE, COLD CASE (documentary style, not drama) And whenever VH1 does something about the 80's...I am SO there!!! I AM THE 80's...


THE BIBLE, I have all the Stephen King books. I read ALL LEFT BEHIND books...they are AWESOME!! The Pearl.I know...I am a CONTRADICTION!!!!!!!


My brother, Allen, is my hero.Here is my brother, serving right now in Iraq! He is my oldest baby brother. Please remember those who are serving our wonderful country and those that have served FOR us! It doesn't matter what your views are about the war, just support those who are over there!!!I miss him SO much. If you would like his address to send even a post card, please let me know and I will give it to you.Just so you know....less than 1 week of him being in Iraq, his first seargent, Seargent Ricky McGinnis was killed. It was so hard on everyone in my family...it hit too close to home. http://www.defenselink.mil/Releases/Release.aspx?ReleaseID=1 0133A Poem I wrote about him is here... Poetry

My Blog


Wow....what a ROUGH week!  I was throwing up every day since the Friday before last. This last fill was HUGE and was going ok until last Friday.  I started throwing up at almost every meal ...
Posted by HEATHER FEATHER on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 05:46:00 PST


So...I went to see my regular doctor to order up some happy pills...and he was talking to me about my weight loss and he said thet since I was in last month I had lost 18 pounds...  He was proud ...
Posted by HEATHER FEATHER on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 05:55:00 PST


All righty...I am officially ticked! My insurance is making us Bandsters pay our deductable before we can just pay the co-pay for fills!!! JERKS!!!  SO...  my deductible is 500 bucks and I w...
Posted by HEATHER FEATHER on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:33:00 PST


All righty...I am officially ticked! My insurance is making us Bandsters pay our deductable before we can just pay the co-pay for fills!!! JERKS!!!  SO...  my deductible is 500 bucks and I w...
Posted by HEATHER FEATHER on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:33:00 PST


I weighed this morning....285!!!  That is 65 pounds GONE!!!    GONE BABY, GONE!!!!   I have GOT to get new clothes!!!   Who wants to give away some 22/24’s?????...
Posted by HEATHER FEATHER on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:29:00 PST


I weighed this morning!!! STARTED: 350SURGERY: 4/2007NOW: 289DOWN 61 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!With 2 fills!9.7 band, can hold 4 cc’s, I have 2.6 cc’s...
Posted by HEATHER FEATHER on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 08:25:00 PST


I GOT MY FILL!!!!1 week ago today...and this is a DOOZY of a fill!  I have a 9.7 band...which is the smallest...you put the smallest band on the fattest person getting the band??  Come ON!&n...
Posted by HEATHER FEATHER on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 06:20:00 PST


Do not read this if you think you may get your feelings hurt....  second thought...  I can not be held responsible for your feelings anymore....  read on!!Here are some things I am sick...
Posted by HEATHER FEATHER on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 08:27:00 PST


I want to first thank all of you for your comments and concerns.  I love you all.  My surgery went very well.  In the past I have had problems with the anesthesia and this time the Dr c...
Posted by HEATHER FEATHER on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 09:05:00 PST


I went to buy a pair of shoes last night.....For many years I have been wearing an 11WW...OH YEAH!!!  Big Ole Fred Flintstone FEET!!!    Well, last night, for the heck of it...&nbs...
Posted by HEATHER FEATHER on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 05:45:00 PST