Getting healthy!
COOL MySpace Comments
Myself in a year!!! I would also like to meet this guy below. This video makes me cry!!!!
I like a LOT of different music. I mostly listen to alternative sounds...but still love my George Straight...and much more...These are all of our guitars!!!!!!!!
Love Me If You Dare, Anything w/Johnny Depp, Any Quentin Tarantino movie...I just dig him. Anything with John Malcovich. Anything with Bruce Willis, especially The 5th Element... I love war movies, especially about Vietnam, I love to laugh and cry while watching a movie! I also love kid movies...SHREK is AWESOME!!
SURVIVOR!!! The Amazing Race, QAF, HUFF, ROME, SIX FEET UNDER, BIG LOVE, COLD CASE (documentary style, not drama) And whenever VH1 does something about the 80's...I am SO there!!! I AM THE 80's...
THE BIBLE, I have all the Stephen King books. I read ALL LEFT BEHIND books...they are AWESOME!! The Pearl.I know...I am a CONTRADICTION!!!!!!!
My brother, Allen, is my hero.Here is my brother, serving right now in Iraq! He is my oldest baby brother. Please remember those who are serving our wonderful country and those that have served FOR us! It doesn't matter what your views are about the war, just support those who are over there!!!I miss him SO much. If you would like his address to send even a post card, please let me know and I will give it to you.Just so you know....less than 1 week of him being in Iraq, his first seargent, Seargent Ricky McGinnis was killed. It was so hard on everyone in my hit too close to home. 0133A Poem I wrote about him is here... Poetry