ONE DROP DOES IT profile picture


wir machen jetzt rockmusik.

About Me

…are combining the dynamic of punk rock with contemporary elements of Emo- and Hardcore since 2003. The quad from Bonn (Germany), detaches energetic and challenging rusty clichés. The tour schedule showes that every season the amount of gigs and the dimensions of the venues has progressed. En route they were allowed to share the stage with bands such as Waterdown, Perzonal War, Fast Friday, Crash My Deville, Muff Potter, Mad Caddies, Flyswatter, Leo Can Dive, Days In Grief, Fire In The Attic, Antiflag, Taking Back Sunday and many more…
The Band is a convincing live act; authenticity as well as enormous vitality and delight in playing are their strongest arguments. The 2005er EP “peppermints and friends” produced by Days In Grief’s Sebastian Blaschke turned out to be sold out rapidly and gained credits at the zines.
Consequently a full length album was the next step to achieve. Out of a long process within the band and by the helping hands of Martin Buchwalter at Gernhart Studio .Finally, Modern Noise / Cargo offered ODDI to release their record and build a strong and supportive background ever since.
- approached the first stage but “playing live is still our main desire….” After Rheinkultur, the Never Ever Festival and Taste of Chaos the sails are set for the coming year…
All of our artwork and grafix by COLORADOR !!!!
Profile edited with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
get ONE DROP DOES IT on Sampler:
Modern Noise 25
Alternative Sounds (Edel/Kontormedia)
PLAYBOARD 40 Tracks from the Underground Vol. 1
TITUS Rookie of the year 2006
by our stuff @

My Interests


Member Since: 5/14/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Jan "die mähne"

Markus "der mondgehtauf"

Ruben "die talentiertefrisur"

Harald "der zöpfchen"

Influences: harry

Sounds Like: *your rome shall burn*
album 2006

recorded at gernhart studio
and One Drop Does It
@ modern noise

*peppermints & friends*
ep 2004

recorded by blaschke
and One Drop Does It

Record Label: Modern Noise
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

MR.FLOWERS an Kasse 16! MR.FLOWERS bitte!!

so,nach mehrmaligen Anfragen wird es hier zu einer Umfrage:Wer will Mr. Flowers ab jetzt hier den großartigen Blog betreuen sehender da heißen wird: "behind the curtain with manio vegas"und unsere mac...
Posted by ONE DROP DOES IT on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 06:48:00 PST

ich kann immer nur die erste strophe singen...

und das gilt für fast alle weihnachtslieder!deshalb wollte ich mal fragen ob ihr hier n paar texte hinterlegen könnt! denn bald ist heiligabend und dann kommts ja drauf an.
Posted by ONE DROP DOES IT on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 06:43:00 PST