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My Interests

Wicca, Magick, Motorcycles, Hiking, Cycling, Wildlife Photography...most anything that can be done outdoors. Did I mention Wicca?
Reading, Quality time with nature, Being physically intellectual, Rock climbing, Getting back down off the rocks, Long Bow and other such Medieval fun, Wondering Why?,Full Contact Pineapple, and oh yeah...Wicca
Geology, Astronomy, Books Upon Books Upon Books, Fizzy Drinks as you can never have too many bubbles, Trying To Hurry Up At Being Patient, Enjoying The Fluff But Going Beyond, And Above All...Wicca
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Anything Kevin Smith, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Lake House, I am a sucker for a sappy romance, but don't tell anyone. Dialog driven action with a bit of cheesy sex...yeah I'm there.


When I have the time; Doctor Who, Heroes, Family Guy and most things adult swim.


Pages and words...nouns, verbs and the ever so often adjective. Cheaper then a movie and lets you use your brain.

My Blog

Four Seasons in One Day

Surreal New England day. Raking leafs  and doing a bit of gardening on a day so warm that I am working shirtless ( so long pasty white boy hello sunburn) and also playing with Jack in the snowban...
Posted by Richard on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 07:29:00 PST

Yeah, I hear em too...

Heard one of my favorite sounds this evening as I was raking leafs; spring peepers. I  look forward to their nightly chorus as it echos through my now open window. For me there is no truer sign o...
Posted by Richard on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 06:54:00 PST