Poza Cisza profile picture

Poza Cisza

Poza Cisza

About Me

In english
Poza Cisza - the group came into being in 1999, in Suwalki, a place known as the north pole of poland, a place where weather doesn’t pamper its inhabitants. paradoxically, maybe this is an inspiration for our creative work.
We’ve played concerts in many unusual and original places like basements of a lunatic asylum or an old synagogue.
We have released four records demo. The last you can hear on this page. Our version of „Letter from St. Paul” you can find on the record of „Piotr Kaczkowski - Minimax pl II „ that is promoted by polish radio.
We try to discuss with world using sounds and words, coming back to silence from time to time.
Po polsku
Poza Cisza to grupa dzialajaca w róznych konfiguracjach od 1999 roku w Suwalkach – polskim biegunie zimna.
Koncertowali w róznych oryginalnych miejscach: m.in: szpitalu psychiatrycznym, nieczynnej synagodze oraz na najwiekszym litewskim festiwalu rockowym - Roko Naktys.
Nagrali 4 dema. Ostatnie jest do posluchania na tej stronie.
Ich autorska wersja utworu "List od sw. Pawla" zespolu Stage of Unity znalazla sie na plycie "Piotr Kaczkowski - minimax pl II" wydanej w listopadzie 2004.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/17/2007
Band Website: pozacisza.art.pl
Sounds Like: Poza Cisza
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None