AMIERA-LEA profile picture


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My Interests

rEaDing Any KinD oF boOks UnTiL I fALLinG sLeEp, sLeepiNg, Eating...Makan...especially kalo kengkawan ku yang masak..syhhh..illegal bawak rice cooker kat uia...hehe..ShoPping n hanging out wit my frens sampai kaki dah rase cam nak patah baru reti nak balik asrama..huhu.., DistUrB mY LiL si$, I love TEdDy BeAr$, cUtiE LiTtLe bAbY,mY FaMiLy, SuShi, Famous Amos CookieS, My hAnDpHoNe, aNyThiNg iN wHitE n PiNk cOLouR..

I'd like to meet:

my old friends... my new friends...ex sk pekan satu in wp labuan, ex skdt, ex smk abdul jalil, ex matric uia, student uia, and sape2 je la...
Your Japanese Name Is...
Uma Yamada What's your Japanese Name?


Beyonce - Irreplaceable
Music Video Code provided by VideoCodes4U whatever....any kind of musics asalkan tak merosakkan osikel telingaku...


ChiLdreN of PaRaDi$e, 50 FirSt DaTe, EiFfle I`M in LovE, 10 tHinG$ i HaTe aBoUt YoU, MiRacLe Of WoRkeR, BeauTiFuL LiFe, FuLLhoUsE, HaBuRaShi, ThE mEtEoR, WroNg TurN, sPrinG bEars LoVe..


cSi,tRu caLLinG, NumBers,House, The MeNtaLisT FeAr fAcToR ,SuRVivOr, AmAziNg RaCe, ScrubS, MonK, MalcoLm in d MiddLe,SuPerNatuRaL, GrEy's AnaTomy,Kevin Hill-story about a laywer's life wit his cousin's baby..hmm...dulu ade cite2 nak jadi lawyer..tapi very risky's better for me to be as a criminal sociologist..hehe..


BoOk$ tHaT ReLateD to SoCioLogy, Criminology, PsycHoLogy, AnTtHroPoLoGy, POLiTiCal SciEnCe, Interpersonal Communication...books by manners n kaplan, haviland, pritchard, and any books that written by Prof Aris..adeh...nak tak nak kena bace gak..nanti tak lepas lak paper anthropology yang susah bangat nih..hehe..


my hero is my dad..